The life lesson of the week that I am adding to my toolbox was taught in two separate occasions this week, and both equally appreciated and valuable.
The Lesson?
Reach out for help, even if you do not know exactly what kind of help you are looking for.
How is that possible? What I discovered this week as two significant "headaches" loomed was that by reaching out to talk with others that I trusted about issues that were causing great angst, I ended up hearing their thoughts, ideas, objective insight, and without expecting it, a solution. Truly, a solution in each scenario.
While I
will spare you the details, the relief I felt in just having a solution to pursue when it felt there might be nothing was an immediate relief, and when the solution is applied, more relief was enjoyed.
Often it can seem that solutions are not available to us; however, by doing something to release our stress and confusion, as long as we choose a healthy and non-destructive option, we often lead ourselves to an outside source that can
Needless to say, my appreciation is immense, and it is my hope that I can offer the same relief to those that seek me out in areas that I can be of help. Just knowing the two contrary feelings of "tension" vs "peace" is enough to want to enable others to feel the latter as quickly as possible.
Moving onto some very exciting news, as you will see in the "Exclusive News & Information" listings below, there is a very special
date to put on your calendar as a reader of TSLL blog/listener of the podcast/subscriber of this newsletter. While I won't reveal much more than that right now, I will share that the wait will be worth it as I just received confirmation on Monday that I can officially set dates, and the first one is below.
Now to the newsletter! A French-Insipred post was the top post of the week, and if you are traveling to France or know someone who will, you will want to
take a look. As well, this week's episode of the podcast drew many positive shares which I want to thank listeners for doing. Whether on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or your own blog, hearing from listeners what they love is helpful feedback for future episodes of the podcast.
Wishing you a wonderful last weekend of April, and next time we shall meet again in May! Thank you for subscribing to the newsletter, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.