Lessons for living well can reveal themselves in the most unexpected manner, but this past week I found myself running into (gladly so) more than just a few as I went about my weekly
From happening on a TedX talk that offered beautiful insight about life and trusting your journey (I shared in this week's This & That), to receiving unexpected help to complete a project from my web designer that reminded me that kindness, offering help just because you can, is a lovely gift to give. As well, there were other moments of kindness from colleagues and neighbors that would buoy anyone's spirits, but certainly put more a bounce in
my step.
One of the grander lessons I was reminded of this week was a simple one, but one I often forget when I am in the middle of a project that requires much time and steady persistence: It is how we handle the journey, even when we have to work to iron things out, that draws others to us, inspires them to continue to work with us and ultimately reveals the desired result we had hoped. As we have been transferring my 2nd book into the template/format for
publishing, the process, while detailed and somewhat complex, was one that eventually we made it through. And while along the way there were times I did not know what the answer would be, I kept trusting we would find the answer (after all, we had found it with the previous book). Unknowns can cause nerves to rattle, but often they rattle before we give ourselves a chance to put everything into perspective.
Hindsight is a beautiful gift and teacher of
humility reminding us all to remember to take a breath along our journey, wherever it may be heading, and just take the steps you can each day. Eventually, you will arrive, even though there may be times, you do not know how.
Similarly, even when the week begins on Monday and we see Friday so very far down the way, we do know it will arrive. It is just a manner of how we want to travel through the week that will determine how it ends. Hopefully, you traveled
well no matter what the world tossed your way, and if maybe there were moments you want to forget, just remember, you have next week. We are all only human, and we all need good weeks to balance out the frustrating ones to remind us to savor those that end so very sweetly.
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miss. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.