On Wednesday I wrote a
Why Not . . . ? post that unbeknownst to me would prove to be helpful to read and absorb for reasons I could not have foreseen later on in that very day.
On Wednesday of this past week, a quite stressful situation unfolded, and for approximately 18 hours a series of events played out that revealed to me and those involved the true colors of the people I
have the opportunity to work with. Once we came out on the other side, I for one was humbled by the community, the support and sense of team that I feel fortunate to call my workplace.
Now, don't worry, it wasn't a life or death situation, but it was an unexpected event that a handful of us did not see coming. The good news is we are all more than fine, and one individual raised the bar and reminded us all how to live extraordinarily and selflessly, so
long as we take care of ourselves first.
The reason I share a glimpse of what I experienced this week at school is to offer a reminder that often it is when we are going through times of uncertainty and fear that we see truths about others and ourselves that we had not known previously. We may have seen hints or had inklings, but when the rubber hits the road and the show is live, it is only then that we know for sure. Don't get me wrong, I do not want to have
to go through stressful situation after stressful situation to find out the deeper truths of those in my life, let alone about myself, but we do get the opportunity in such moments to see with eyes quite wide open, so long as we choose to look. And then to grow from the experience.
Whether it is to grow in the relationships we share or grow as an individual, such unexpected, unwanted times honestly do offer much
While I am still processing all of the emotions I experienced during this short, but intense time, one thing I do know is that the people I work with and for are people I feel fortunate to spend and share my days with. As well, I learned a few things about myself that I didn't expect to ever have to put into practice, and that too is worthwhile information to hold on to and apply moving forward.
And now to the
On Monday one of the most popular French-Inspired podcast episodes was shared with listeners, and along with it a giveaway. Below you will see the three lucky winners. M.L. Longworth was a delight to have on the podcast, and I want to thank all of the listeners and readers who tuned in, stopped by, said hello and took the time to check out her books. They truly are one of my favorite mystery series, and I cannot wait for her eighth installment (she
confirmed with me after our taping, that she is already working on the next release - yeah!).
Since Mary Lou (M.L.) lives in Provence, I was inspired to shop the week's Outfit for traveling to such a destination, so be sure to check it out if you plan on spending time soon in the South of France or any destination that has a similar climate.
This week's This & That is full of books (two cookbooks), a beauty sale to be sure to put
on your calendar and of course (I am going to repeat myself) books, books and more books. ;) Wishing you a lovely weekend, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.