In the middle of a journey of change, we can run into ditches, deep, dark chasms of doubt and frustration. I recently ran into one of those, but at the same time I also ran into another feeling that reassured me I was indeed doing what I
needed to do. The other feeling I ran into was a deep belief in my journey, the journey I had chosen after much examination and contemplation.
In my recent segment which appeared this week on Afternoon Live (KATU-Portland), I shared six ideas for sticking to the resolutions you have made this year, and the last one shared involved the reminder that the universe will test you.
What do I mean by this (you can also watch the video by click here)? It has been my experience that along the course of pursuing a dream or an idea that you wish to bring into fruition, the universe will put a roadblock up which may seem permanent (when in reality it is only
temporary, but we at the time do not understand this as all we see is a halt in our progress). Why? To measure your desire. To determine, and truly, this is a gift to you either way, if you truly do want what you say you do.
If, when you run up against the roadblock, your immediate response, even while you are hurting, aching and becoming more irate than you might admit to anyone, you never lose sight of what you are seeking,
keep striving forward.
As I mentioned at the top of today's letter, the big moment of frustration came and yes, the doubt danced, but it never had a chance. And in my choice to keep stepping forward, another amazing occurrence arrived which demonstrated that indeed the struggle is well worth it.
Sometimes the occurrence that offers the reassurance is directly
related to what frustrates you and sometimes it is not. And while mine wasn't directly related, it was tangentially: the arrival of my full, edited manuscript for the second book.
Yep, we are getting oh so close TSLL readers to having the published book available to read. Now, we still have to do fine-tuning, cover design, and a few other finishing touches, but the book, the chapters, have been worked through wrapping up
unofficially five months of editing. *deep breath of absolute celebration*
I share my example and experience to remind you to not be stymied by the ditch that you will almost inevitably run into. Just keep in the back of your mind the understanding that this is completely normal. What you need to assess in that moment is how you respond to it unconsciously. Wade through your fears and come to understand how you feel
about the direction you are traveling as well as logically why you are traveling the route you have chosen. I have a feeling you will find you are making a journey that in the long-run will be something you will be thankful you chose to stay the course.
In today's newsletter, there is much inspiration for attaining success, how to decorate your home brought you by none other than Jennifer Aniston and ideas for creating
a productive and enjoying work environment.
Wish you a wonderful weekend wherever you may be in this grand world of ours, and thank you for subscribing. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.