The power of small changes.
I was reminded about the power of a small change when I decided for the first time in 18 months to attend a yoga session that was 90 minutes earlier than I traditionally would had gone for my weekly class. Upon
choosing this change, my work on the blog didn't feel rushed on this particular day of the week any longer, I was able to come home after my yoga class, enjoy a delicious meal not worrying about attending class afterwards. And knowing I had my respite of yoga nearly immediately after teaching brought a feeling of calm over my day as I looked forward to attending.
The truth about much of what we need and desire to do in our lives to make the improvements we
seek as we step into the second week (now nearly third) of the new year is that it need not be ginormous in distance, in effort nor energy. Often, we are just a few notes, a few degrees, in my examples, 90 minutes away from the change we seek.
Further solidifying this point of the power of when we do something and doing so at a time that has demonstrated itself to offer up greater success regarding the goals we seek is a book that I included
in this week's This & That titled When: The Scientific Secret of Perfect Timing. Case in point, if we are trying to lose weight, working out in the morning has shown to be more effective; whereas, if we are an athlete looking to improve our performance, doing so in the afternoon is more opportune. The book is rather short and a quick read, having been released earlier this week, I have to admit, I look forward to checking it out. If nothing else
to proof what I have found to be true as well as discover simple changes I can make to improve the quality of my daily routines.
Yet another simple change I am striving to make is budgeting each week rather than once a week. The reason for this change is to simplify as well as remain focused on financial goals I have set as a month's distance lends itself to straying from set goals more easily. And the last small tweak I have made that I wanted to share and
indeed shared in great detail in this week's Wednesday's
Lifestyle post is the simple addition of 3-5 minutes of meditation each day. I would have never predicted (but silently hoped) that such an addition would be beneficial and noticeable regarding the quality of my days, but indeed, this small change has indeed shifted my ability to respond rather than react (more on the difference between the two
here), as well as keep me present far more than I have been in the past. Most importantly, focusing on the good, choosing kindness over cynicism and generally noticing how well things are going without any fanfare that anyone else might take note of has been a
benefit that has amplified the everyday I so enjoy each and morning, afternoon and evening.
Whatever change you are seeking in your life right now, ask yourself quite pointedly, What about it is not working? and then take a different approach, try something you may never have thought you would attempt in a million years and see if the change you seek is more readily presented to you. The only thing you have to lose is nothing, because it wasn't
working in the first place, correct? So why not give it a shot.
Before wrapping up this week's letter from the editor, I want to take a moment to welcome all of the new TSLL Weekly Newsletter subscribers who are receiving their first delivery. Thank you for choosing to receive an extra dose of inspiring in your inbox as you begin, enjoy or wrap up the weekend. And to the long-time subscribers, your continued interest is deeply appreciated, and I look
forward to having the opportunity to continue to offer inspiration and ideas about how you can curate in the most signature manner, your very own simply luxurious life. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.
P.S. Don't forget to mark your calendars for Monday January
22nd when the talent behind the blog, books and cookbooks, On Rue Tatin, Susan Hermann Loomis joins me on the podcast. (episode #192)