The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #383

Published: Fri, 12/15/17

Friday December 15, 2017
ISSUE #383


Each of us has the answers within us that will calm our fears, steer us in the right direction and calm our worried minds. What stands between us and this truth we seek is a distrust that it's possible, others that try to answer the questions for us when no outsider or institution can do such a thing, and the belief that the answer couldn't possibly be so simple to find. 

But the good news is that it is that simple which is what makes it so complicated.

As I shared in this week's Wednesday's post, there has always been within me a yearning to travel and visit the countryside of England since I was a young adult. I cannot tell you why precisely, but I know with certainty, I have never hesitated when pondering a visit. It was just a matter of opportunity and enough financial means. This is just one of many instances in my life in which the answers may not have been spoken in a language I understood, but I began to trust with more and more fidelity that my intuition was speaking; I simply needed to continue to be the student of myself. 

Being the student of ourselves, coming to understand what pushes and pulls us takes time, some more than others, as some of us are more resistant or distrustful while others come to trust what they feel more readily. Now, when I say feel, I don't mean the temporary fleeting emotions we all have throughout our days. No. When I say "trusting what we feel" I mean something more grounded, more raw and authentic. Something that speaks to us from our core. Sure, we can be fearful in a moment about a singular thing, but often that arrives due to lack of knowledge. Rather the feeling that comes from the core comes from the acquisition of knowledge that we, the individual, may not fully be able to appreciate . . . yet. 

But so long as we keep listening, quieting ourselves more often and trusting even when we don't know why or where it will lead, with small steps until we are more assured, the "yet" is proven to be true and we become fluent in our own unique language of self. 

Which brings me to today's reveal of the new addition to the simply luxurious life destination: a video cooking series. It is not professionally produced, just myself at the helm. It is not perfect (as you will notice, I misspeak a rather important term when speaking about tea - I do note the correct term in the middle of the video), but it is a glimpse into what I find to be so truly enriching in the life that has come to be known as simply luxurious living: cooking and preparing quality food and drink experiences that are simple, yet delicious and learning the skills of how to cook well so that no matter what season we may be in, we can create a wonderful dining experience. 

The Simply Luxurious Kitchen is my new vodcast. Yes, you read that right, a video series available as a podcast like The SImple Sophisticate is, but in video format. You can always find it on the blog, but you can also subscribe to it on iTunes and YouTube as well. All the links and details and most importantly, the first episode, can be found on the designated post linked just below this letter from the editor. I do hope you enjoy it as much as I had creating it. And as you will see, the pilot episode takes place in Devon, England. 

As I share in the video, the first full season will begin on September 8, 2018. Every Saturday morning for 8-10 weeks a new episode will air and share "seasonal fare to elevate the everyday meal". Part of the reason I am waiting until September to kick off the first series in earnest is that I have the opportunity to improve my own cooking skills this summer, and I want to bring my knowledge from that experience to you, the viewer. As well, I want to have time to tape and cook when I have the most time and daylight as I do not have a studio when school is on summer holiday. But, the first episode is ready to be viewed. So click below on the title "The SImply Luxurious Kitchen" and have a look.

Wishing you a lovely holiday weekend and until next week, I'll see you on the blog!

A Vodcast (video + podcast series) offering . . .
Seasonal fare to elevate the everyday meal 
Click here to view the first episode . . . 

Outfit of the Week: 
Signature Style:
rapped in Style
Decor Inspiration:
Diane Keaton's New Creation (Pinterest Inspired)
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December 15, 2017
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