The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #380

Published: Fri, 11/24/17

Friday November 24, 2017
ISSUE #380


Where to start. 

First and most importantly, with gratitude. 

As yesterday was Thanksgiving in the states, I found myself filled with an abundance of gratitude in a manner I did not expect. In Monday's episode of the podcast I shared the necessity to curate a holiday season that embodied what each of us valued most and to let go of what no longer served the purpose or values we held in high esteem. And in that episode I shared that my trip to England during the Thanksgiving holiday was indeed my way of embodying what I spoke about. 

However, as I stood at the vantage point from which the image shared in this week's Why Not . . . ? was captured, I gave thanks for more than I ever imagined I would have experienced: exceedingly beautiful and idyllic countryside and people, readers, listeners and friends who have come along with me virtually as I made my way on this journey however simple it may be or how short and brought my excitement about the Devon countryside into their lives no matter where they called home, the time to be able to be open so that inspiration may strike and the ability to seize upon it, the conquering of unknowns that I will admit were daunting until I actually stepped forward and dared rather than doubted (more on this topic in Monday's upcoming podcast episode), and the peace of mind that while I miss my two spaniels terribly (there are spaniels everywhere in England which made it all the more apparent that this is their native home!) I know that they are well cared for, walked daily and pampered.

Life is about living, not dreaming, not wondering, not worrying. As I read recently, "the goal at the end of one's life is to have memories rather than dreams", and to that point we are asked to dare, to be a little uncomfortable from time to time as we don't always know how things will work out, but to step forward anyway toward our dreams. From the moment I stepped into my cab to head to the airport on Saturday to the last walk I took along Devon's shore just last night, my mind has been dazzled and forever grateful that the courage was found to finally see the countryside of England (a nearly lifelong dream of mine) and to forge ahead on a more recent dream that has been dancing about in my head of which I shared with Instagram followers yesterday (in the IG Stories). As TSLL weekly newsletter subscribers, I wanted to make sure you knew about this peek of what is to come. So just below my letter from the editor today, you will see the sneak peek images and a date to put on your calendars. I won't share any more just yet, but if you tune in on this date, you will learn all about the new addition to The Simply Luxurious Life

In the meantime, my journey in England has been shared on Instagram, so if you aren't already following along, click here (@thesimplyluxuriouslife) and be sure to check out TSLL's stories as well on IG within the 24 hour window to see all that I am experiencing, tickled by and curious about. As I have been traveling around each day, I have been sharing images of the countryside, the roads, the markets and the vacation rentals I have been fortunate enough to call my homes away from home (#tsllengland). In fact, the first rental I stayed in upon arriving in London is showcased below, so be sure to take the tour. 

Okay, now to the kick off of the holiday season. Yes, it has begun, and whether or not you are enjoying sunshine, rain or snow, we have just over a month to wrap up this 2017 with a beautiful bow. I don't know about you, but I think we can do it. 

If you are stepping out to visit the shops or doing a little bit of shopping online to capture some of the great deals, I have shared a few destinations to check out on this week's This & That. And don't forget that if you are looking for a gift for someone on your list who might enjoy TSLL's first book or are looking to find a simply luxurious way of organizing your everyday, I want to share with you a limtied opportunity to save 15% off all of the following: signed copies of TSLL's book Choosing The Simply Luxurious Life: A Modern Woman's Guide, TSLL Notepads and TSLL's Planning Pages. How? Enter HOLIDAY15 when you spend $10 or more by Monday November 27th in TSLL Shop on any of the above items. 

Now to the weekend! Cheerio (as one gentleman said to me just as naturally as we say in the states . . . what would be equivalent? I do like Cheerio quite a lot.) Thank you for joining me on the journey, and rest assured, I will be sharing detailed information on the cottage many readers have likened to the one seen in The Holiday (have a look below in my IG pic - there are even more on my IG feed). And until next week, I'll see you on the blog.​​​​​​ Happy Holidays everyone!

Tune in for a Special Reveal on Friday December 15th
Monday's Episode of the Podcast:
Style Inspiration:
TSLL is in England:
Follow Along on Instagram here - #tsllengland
TSLL Ad-Free Experience is Now Available

This & That
November 24, 2017
From Instagram
A Peek into how I live TSLL
Thought to Ponder

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