The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #381

Published: Fri, 12/01/17

Friday December 1, 2017
ISSUE #381


The jet lag is almost gone, and early mornings are quite easy to awake in the morning and hop to it. 

Kindness. What does it require of us?

Such a simple gesture, something we as well wish to receive in sincerity, but sometimes our stress becomes too high and our environement too [something we would prefer not to be around]. Kindness begins with how we treat ourselves, and this feeling well, due to careful, regular attention to our needs, our comforts, Because when we feel rested, we are able to fully function and thereby extend a kindness to a stranger, words with a colleague or client by keeping in mind how to partake in action that would make them feel more comfortable and at ease. 

Kindness doesn't mean however defaulting absolutely to being kind in such a way that would ignore the situation going on around us. Again, kindness to self is the foundation, and by choosing to walk away from those who are not being kind, saying "no" to tasks that will clutter your schedule far too unnecessarily is an act of kindness. Because again, in order to be our best, which in turn has a waterfall effect to those around us, kindness grows, small, but steadily.

In this week's newsletter discover my journey to finding the perfect trench (when in London, drop into Burberry - but of course!), a home full of simple, holiday decoration, the benefits of allowing yourself to feel awkward more regularly and much more. 

Well, my eyelids about to slam shut. Thank you again for subscribing to the podcast. Have a beautiful weekend. And until next week, I'll see you on the blog.​​​​​​ Happy Holidays everyone!

Tune in for a Special Reveal on Friday December 15th
Monday's Episode of the Podcast:
Outfit of the Week: 
TSLL is in England:
A Luscious White Holiday Home
TSLL Ad-Free Experience is Now Available

This & That
December 1, 2017
From Instagram
A Peek into how I live TSLL
Thought to Ponder

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