The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #373

Published: Fri, 10/06/17

Friday October 6, 2017
ISSUE #373


The season of fall is a gem of an arrival.

Each year it seems to race by far too quickly, but ultimately, the reason it appears to pick up speed is because of the richness it so often brings into the daily routine. 

In this week's episode of the podcast, the concept of ensuring a bountiful harvest in our lives is discussed. The powerful gift of fall is that we can garner the gifts of our labor each year when the calendar indicates the autumn season or at any time throughout the year or our lives so long as we choose to put forth more effort each and every day as we are able. 

I was reminded of the gift of patience and persistence after listening to an interview with the musician Ed Sheehan with Charlie Rose, and reminded myself that the key to any type of success we seek is to have a passion for what one is doing. Then, the persistance comes far easier. Why?

Quite simply, if you love what you are doing for the sake of doing it, you don't need applause, you don't need a crowd of fans or oodles of money. Believe it or not, for Sheeran, those are wondrous extras, but absolutely unnecessary, because it is the music and the love for playing that keeps him going. A similar person who reminds me of having a love for what they do is Michael Wurm Jr. of Inspired by CharmA blogger I regularly follow, have worked with and truly am inspired by with regards to so many things but especially his sincere passion for life, design and living well, I was tickled to learn this week that his blog was selected by Saveur as Readers' Choice for Best Style & Design blog. I couldn't imagine a more deserving individual. And that truly is the key: love what you do. 

The rewards come when you least expect them as one did for me this week and delivered me to cloud nine for the rest of the day. I am still pinching myself, and in the coming months, I will be sure to share more of exactly what occurred. Nonetheless, even if such occurrences didn't take place, I would still sit down each afternoon and evening, snuggle up with my dogs after our walk and pluck away at the keys, dreaming of projects and avenues to travel in order to learn more about this beautiful journey called life to share with you, the simply luxurious readers.  

It is my wish that you are already on a journey that you love and wake up excited to live each day. But even if you aren't quite there, you can and eventually will with careful attention and effort. How do i know for sure? Well, I can't know exactly, but as I will share on AM Northwest this coming Monday, there are some surefire pieces of evidence that demonstrate you are indeed on the right path to reach the life you wish to be living on a daily basis. I'll be sharing new and never before bits of inspiration on this topic, and no matter where you will be on Monday morning (pacific time) at 9am, you can watch me at

But now to the weekend. Wishing you a lovely few days of rest and leisure. Thank you for subscribing to the simply luxurious newsletter, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.​​​​​​

Monday's Episode of the Podcast:
Style Inspiration
TSLL's Shopping Guide:
This & That
October 6, 2017
  1. Is Fashion Modern?, a new exhibit at MoMa - art
  2. Glow - book
  3. Cooking with Zac - cookbook
  4. Big Sur After Rain candle - decor
  5. The Splendid Table, Lynne's Goodbye - podcast
  6. Rag & Bone, 25% off everything Sale - shopping​​​​​​​
From Instagram
A Peek into how I live TSLL
Thought to Ponder

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