The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #365

Published: Fri, 08/11/17

Friday August 11, 2017
ISSUE #365

Bonjour! TSLL deuxième semaine française annuelle has been a lovely experience and the good news is, it isn't over yet. 

As I mentioned in last week's newsletter, three new episodes of the podcast were scheduled, and the final one will go live tomorrow morning (Saturday), so be sure to tune and learn about the difference between the French and American cultures as well as ideas for traveling well and simply outside of Paris as well as a delicious, simple petit plaisir you might just want to make this weekend.  

In this week's newsletter each of the 15 posts are included to make sure you did not miss a note, and be sure to enter both of the giveaways (win French linen pillowcases, as well as a copy of Sharon Santoni's new book). As I said above, there are still four more posts to come, and in the final post of the week (which will actually be Sunday the 13th) the winners of the giveaways will be announced. 

One of the posts that will go live Saturday is a post I have been wanting to write since last fall. And, I must say, the wait was worth it as the individuals who I will introduce you to delighted me even more than I could have hoped with their responses to the questions  about their love of food, the European way of life and life in Bend. 

Isn't that a wonderful lesson to always remember: Sometimes the outcomes we want take time. Sometimes we need to trust what we don't want to hear at the moment, "you're not ready, the situation you are hoping for isn't ready for you", is actually what will better serve us down the road. If you are hearing just those phrases, take it as a nudging to enjoy the life you have right now. Savor it, jump in head first and make the most of it because as we know, life's path can change without expectation, and often for the better. So why not be someone who had it good before, but now has it quite wonderful now, and you can celebrate because you know you made the most of both chapters. 

I will keep today's letter from the editor short because there is an abundance of worthwhile reading material to attend to. Wishing you a lovely weekend, and without a doubt, the 3rd annual TSLL French Week will be commencing next summer. I can hardly wait! Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.​​​​​​​


Style Inspiration
Chanel's new scent
Available August 19th
(Coco Chanel's birthday)
This & That
August 11, 2017
From Instagram
A Peek into how I live TSLL
Thought to Ponder

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