Achieving big strides in life, moving from one place and climbing to another. In the beginning perhaps the goal you were daring to reach seemed impossible, but when we do reach the zenith of our desires, we often realize it in everyday
The secret to making the big strides in life is to take many, many, many little strides until you arrive. And you see, you don't realize you've arrived initially because you've been taking all of these small steps. And while appreciative of the progress, you are quicker to adapt to the small change and not think much of it. Until . . .
You stop, turn around and compare your life now with the life you were living say merely
two years ago, 10 years ago, or maybe even one year ago. Everyone's time lapse will be unique to their journey, but the recognition of having taken and successfully landed safely on the other side of the big stride isn't typically recognized until we do something out of our everyday routine paired with giving ourselves time to reflect.
Such was the case this past weekend and the beginning of this week after learning of the news that
TSLL Audio Book was officially available for purchase on Audible, iTunes and Amazon, something I had worked on for more than a year, and had moments of doubt it would every happen (learn more about my journey
here). I of course went into full business mode, announced it on the blog, shared with subscribers, Instagram, the whole works. And then I had the opportunity to take a brief getaway. I didn't wear my watch, I put my phone on airplane mode nearly the entire time and let my body and mind dictate what I needed to which I simply followed their direction.
Upon returning, I began
to reflect on where my life was two years ago and where it is today. During those two years, while there has been much to celebrate, there has also been much frustration and angst. However, the perspective I was able to gain after having stepping out of my daily routine (one in which I love, but sometimes we don't see everything we need to as we get into a rhythm) revealed to me that indeed much progress and growth had occurred. In other words, a big stride or two had finally been
observed by the person taking the small, but steady steps toward the desired goals, professionally and personally.
In those moments of observation of our progress, time offers a moment to savor and carry forward with us something very powerful as we continue through our days. What we gain beyond the reward of attaining a goal is a boast of confidence, a reminder to ourselves that regardless of the difficulty, what we seek and choose to work diligently toward,
we can achieve.
Regarding the audio book, I am so tickled to finally be able to share with you the first book I have published in a medium so many of you have been asking me for. Needless to say, when the second book comes out next year, you will not have to wait an additional two and half years for that audio book. Rather, it will be released simultaneously. But you see, that is how we learn, and it is our job then to apply the lessons moving forward. I want to
make sure you know how much I appreciate your patience. It's finally read to be enjoyed. :)
And so too is this week's newsletter. I do hope you enjoy discovering how to eat delicious food each day and love the results as was shared in this week's episode of the podcast, and be sure to see where the boys and I escaped to earlier this week. It was a first time visit for me, and I certainly enjoyed myself.
Have a beautiful last weekend
of July, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.
P.S. Some unexpected good news regarding the podcast happened this week.
The Every Girl website/blog graciously included
The Simple Sophisticate on their top "10 list of Podcasts to
Transform Your Commute". You can see all ten recommended podcasts