The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #351

Published: Fri, 05/05/17

Friday May 28, 2017
ISSUE #351

It never feels it will be done until it is.

When we choose to take on a significant and demanding project, task or goal, it can feel at times as though the end is elusive. However, so long as we keep stepping forward, stopping to catch our breath along the way, refueling as needed and resting regularly, we eventually feel something that is hard to understand until we personally find ourselves near the end of the route: the lifting of a weight, expectation, some may call it a burden, slowing making its way off of our shoulders is palpable.

And in those moments when the end is in sight, the finish line is stretched out within reach, an adrenaline surge helps us to push through tasks we never imagined we would be capable of tending to well or at all after having experienced so much exhaustion, sometimes pain, to reach as far as we have. 

I share this with you because when we are in the middle of selling our house, searching for a job, building a relationship, completing a long, arduous project, it can feel as though it is never going to end. But it will. It truly will. 

And the energy, the renewed energy you will feel upon not only seeing the finish line but crossing it will boost you to heights of creativity, hope and playful giddiness you might never had known you could feel. 

No matter where you are in your journey, I hope this offers some encouragement, a deep breath of reassurance in yourself and a pat on the back for choosing to see what you are capable of because I know you are going to be successful. 

Now to the newsletter.

This week I shared a recipe I found to epitomize the early days of spring. A simple green salad topped with a luxury item that will leave you satiated and wondering why you hadn't tried it before. You will also notice when you look at the recipe that TSLL has a new recipe format that is far more user friendly. i am so excited to role this new design out as it allows you to change the measurements to metric or imperial, enables you to print a neat page with clear lists of ingredients and instructions and, if you want, after you give the recipe a go, you can rate it! Over the next few months I will be going back into the archives and updating all of the recipes so that you can have the same simple, streamlined and personal layout no matter which dish is calling your name. 

Other topics this week include breaking down the 12 essential wardrobe items to have in your closet to rock the denim you love for any occasion and this week's episode of the podcast was inspired by a recently released book from Chanel's former CEO about cultivating a life at work and at a home that goes beyond the labels. It's a long list full of ideas to shift how we approach life in order to curate a way of living that is in alignment with our most truest selves. 

Well, I will let you begin checking out your favorite sections from the blog from the past week as you sip your morning favorite drink. Have a lovely weekend and happy Cinco de Mayo! Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.​​​​​​​


Monday's Episode of the Podcast
Outfit of the Week:
Style Inspiration
Decor Inspiration:
Chic & Organized
TSLL Shopping Guide:
This & That
May 5, 2017
  1. Bastide - beauty
  2. The H-Spot - book
  3. The Soul of Money - book
  4. The Weekend Effect - book
  5. Turn Up The Quiet, Diana Krall - music
  6. Great News, produced by Tina Fey - television
  7. Tea Time - magazine
  8. Up First - podcast
From Instagram
A Peek into how I live TSLL
Thought to Ponder

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