April has arrived and with it a beautiful opportunity to take a deep breath and observe all of the beauty that surrounds us rather than worry about that which we do not have. I was reminded of the importance of gratitude as sleep became a precious commodity this week, something that I couldn't seem to
attain enough of.
As it is with jet lag, it is to be expected that the days following an arrival, after flying across many time zones, it will take the body and the mind, which includes our emotions, time to fall back into sync. Knowing this will be the case is the first and most powerful step to not overreacting or putting our foot in our mouths when with a clear head the thoughts would be immediately dismissed or perhaps would not have even enter our minds
at all. The jet lag was eased on both ends of my journey, first by my someone special and then by my mom and niece when I arrived home in Bend. The boys as well, eased the mental and physical unease, and it was for all of these people and pups that I care about that I wanted to make sure I didn't push too hard and did my best to communicate to them what I needed without getting my grump on.
As the jet lag is now nearly gone, I am savoring all the more my trip
to South Korea. Yes, it was very hard to leave, but one of the sweetest realities was knowing I was quite content where I had traveled to, but also had a home to return to that I loved. Ultimately, that is a significant creation: to be able to find comfort wherever we might travel, whether it be by creating routines or a nest where you call your temporary home, as well as having invested in a community, a town, a home in a permanent location that brings joy and appreciation having the
opportunity to live there. I admit, that has not always been the case; sometimes it was the home that I returned to that didn't feel just right or it was the destination I had traveled to that had not lived up to my unrealistic heightened expectations. With experience each has improved, and to have found that equilibrium is something I celebrate.
How about you? How do you feel when you travel? Are you as comfortable traveling as you are when you return? And if not,
what might you want to tweak, change or add? These thoughts are worth entertaining because whether it is the travel situation that could be tweaked or the everyday routine that might need improving, when we do so, we reveal that the key is getting to know ourselves better. The second step is then to speak up and take action in a manner we are proud of. Ultimately, our lives overall will improve.
In the coming days and weeks, as I mentioned in this week's
Why Not . .
. ? post I will be sharing more of my trip, the observations and lessons, aha moments and moments that gave me cause for reflection. In the meantime, be sure to check out
my Instagram for a few pictures of the journey if you haven't already been following along.
In other
blog and style news,
TSLL Spring Shopping Guide 2017 was released this past Saturday in its new format. The link is below, as well as information about the freshly stocked and updated
TSLL Shop Capsule Wardrobe
The upcoming weekend looks to be a weekend of leisure, tending to a few necessary chores and lovely long naps of restoration and sweet reflection. I hope you have beautiful plans as well, and thank you for subscribing to TSLL's weekly newsletter. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.