One of my students is studying abroad in Argentina currently, and I have the fortunate opportunity to be working with them in an independent study blogging class in which they write posts, share them and begin to build their own presence online. In a recent post, an interesting quip was shared about
Americans and planning as if they can ensure the future, as if they just do everything right, they will be able to relax.
As I read the line (I paraphrased, but the gist being, so much of our life is spent in the future planning that we forget to let life flow and enjoy the 'now'), I smiled, then read it again, then chuckled out loud. While the source is a teenager with far fewer worries and responsibilities (as it should be), the unconscious thought they shared is
worth contemplating.
How much of our days do we spent in the present and how much of them do we spent planning, imagining and maybe worrying about the future and thereby ruining the present? While planning is not a bad thing, I would argue in fact that is why America inspires individuals to dream because amazing dreams do indeed come true, albeit in unique forms other than we might have imagined. But do we take it too far?
After sitting
down with my accountant last month, I took some time to reflect on the trajectory, goals and realities of how I spend my time. While I won't go into the details, one of the realizations that jumped out at me was sometimes working harder can work against you if it isn't done with forethought and clarity of vision. In response to that I was reminded I was quite clear about two of my visions, but perhaps I needed to adjust the others. Perhaps I needed to just relax a bit, let the reins hang a bit
looser and allow the life journey I am on unfold as I savor each present moment I encounter.
Deciding to do that last bit sounds serene, doesn't it? But it can be scary. It can be hard to trust. Similar to trusting people after you've been hurt repeatedly, it can be hard to trust that life will unfold and as it does I will know how to navigate successfully. But here is the key that should ease your mind, and I was reminded of by someone close to me as
they repeated my worries to me allowing me to see that indeed I was being a bit absurd. So long as you trust yourself, you will be just fine. In fact, you will be more than fine. You've made it this far. You've traversed, swerved and soared to arrive at the moment you are at right now, and while you may wish to continue to strive forward, let your past success and wisdom be the peace of mind to keep you grounded as you let the reins hang looser.
It can be that
easy, we just have to trust ourselves and then trust the life journey that unfolds.
Speaking of easy, in this week's podcast episode I share 11 things in life that appear hard, but are actually far easier to accomplish. Be sure to take a look and step into the weekend with a boost of confidence that this thing called life, you've got it taken care of. ;)
In just over one week's time, I will be heading on a week-long trip to a destination I
would never had expected to journey to. But I am, and I must admit I am quite excited. I will be sure to share more as the travel dates come closer, but in the meantime, my trip inspired this week's Outfit of the Week. In fact, I was tickled to discover a wonderful sale taking place on all Tumi luggage, what I consider to be lifetime luggage. Fitting the definition beautifully of simply luxurious travel must-haves as once you purchase a suitcase, you will have it for the rest of your
travels. Have a look at the different models, colors and materials and then save 20% when you decide.
Lastly, but quite important - art. Art in our lives is extremely powerful. Now I am not talking about the painting you may hang on your wall from a local artist that was quite an investment, all though it would certainly count. I am talking about how all types of art (intentional, unintentional, manmade and natural) have the ability to make us happy, extremely
happy. Just this topic was the focus of this week's Wednesday post: Art & Happiness. Be sure to take a look and discover the power of art in our everyday lives.
I do hope you have a lovely weekend and may the coming of spring on Monday (or fall in the southern hemisphere) be the arrival of a fresh start or the turning over of a new leaf. :)
Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.