Unexpected. Life has a beautiful way of surprising us with dreams coming true just when we thought it might never happen. The key is to leave the door unlocked so that the dreams have the opportunity to present themselves and become your reality.
Okay, okay. What does this
convoluted analogy mean, you may be wondering.
Ever the romantic, I have refused to give up on finding love. I have refused to give up on finding a safe spot in a world that sometimes grits its teeth at us all and dares us to dance with it. Stepping toward fear and thus intimidating it and seeing it back away I have come to realize, as I share on the blog frequently, that life is grand, magical and full of amazing surprises, but often we get in the way of the gifts
revealing themselves.
I will admit that there have been times I have gotten in my own way: doubted, questioned, remained skeptical. But as I shared in last week's newsletter, if we don't let go of the past experiences, we don't allow our intuition to become more adequately in tune to the reality that surrounds us.
As i share in this week's post "Thoughts on Valentine's Day", Valentine's Day is a yearly reminder to do what we need
to do all the days of the year: love, express it, give it, be it. But admittedly, a memorable Valentine's Day doesn't hurt to be reminded that love can and does exist. Such a Valentine's Day occurred this week, and I will not hesitate a moment to say it will be remembered as the most romantic. Why? Whilst I will keep the details to myself, primarily because it was without expectation, without pretense and therefore like any other day, as any other day should be spent, it was full of love,
full of thoughtfulness, full of magic.
Sometimes we wait for grand gestures, when it is the everyday magic that is waiting to be noticed, appreciated and savored. Truth be told, it was a simple Valentine's Day, but choosing to be present, choosing to let go of expectations and choosing to trust made all the difference.
I hope this past week offered an abundance of love no matter what the form, medium or day on the calendar. And I hope
you continue to give love and embody the love you have inside of you. Because of it you have a plethora wanting to be shared. Be brave, never stop believing, and when you least expect it, it will say hello.
Wishing you a lovely weekend, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.