Double Digest!!! The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #334

Published: Fri, 01/06/17

Friday January 6, 2017
ISSUE #334 - Double Digest

Welcome to 2017 and a brand new year to get it right. Whatever the "it" may be for your, it is indeed possible to improve, grow, apply the lessons you've learned and see the change you seek. 

Whether you set resolutions or are simply going to take life as it arrives day by day in the new year, contemplate for a moment the defaults that keep you in the same spot you've been in and limit you from making progress. Is it your mind? Perhaps negative assumptions, needless worry or negative self-talk. Or is it a habit to say yes without considering the ramifications on your schedule until it's too late? We all have defaults, mental switches that take place automatically without thinking about it. The why of our behavior is something worth analyzing as it will help each of us determine what it is we truly are seeking and then how to seek it in a way that is healthy and productive.

Are we seeking comfort, acceptance, calm or avoidance of pain? Once you understand why the unhelpful defaults take place, then consider other alternatives that will help provide what you need without the destruction. For example, if you find that you assume the worst in new situations as a means to self-protect, ask yourself, why do I feel I need to protect myself? Come to understand the source, confront it, and understand that you are in a different place in your life, with different people and you are making better choices. And if by chance once you choose not to self-protect and you find yourself hurt, realize that you are strong enough to weather the pain because the only way to eventually discover the good is to be vulnerable. 

On Friday December 30th I had the opportunity to return as a guest to Afternoon Live to discuss how to make 2017 your year, and one of the tips I shared had to do with exactly what is mentioned above: our fears. Be sure to check out the four minute clip to discover three simple ways to make significant change in the new year. 

As this is the first issue of 2017, it is a Double Digest due to the annual week off the last week of each year. What you will find in today's issue are the Top 5-10 posts in each category shared, discussed and revealed over the past 12 months. And we cannot forget the celebration of TSLL's 7th Anniversary. Check out that post for a few previously unseen pictures captured of my boys and thoughts for the new year. 

With the beginning of a new year, the idea of laying a healthy, fertile and solid foundation has been at the forefront of my mind. What does that mean exactly? Developing the necessary skills to curate the life we are seeking. And at the heart of the skills we need is the ability to know how to love and love fully. This week's episode of the podcast is an extra long one in which I share 26 ways to do just that. Listeners loved it, and I think you will too. 

I want to send out a big welcome to new subscribers to TSLL weekly newsletter. I am so tickled you are joining us as each week an extra dose of inspiration is shared in the letter from editor as well as certainty that you will never miss TSLL posts.  To long-time subscribers, your continued support is very much appreciated. Thank you for checking out all that continues to take place on TSLL as well as further the contentment in your simply luxurious life. Wishing each and every one of you a beautiful 2017, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog!

Best of 2016 - Why Not . . . ?
Petite Post
3 Ways to Make 2017 Your Year: Afternoon Live Appearance
Wednesday's Why Not . . . 
Top Decor Inspiration Posts of 2016
Style Inspiration
Playing with Denim
Seasonal Inspiration
And 2017 Begins!
Outfit of the Week
Winter Suede Style 
Lifestyle & Recipes
Top Miscellaneous Posts in 2016
Shannon's Journey
TSLL 7th Anniversary!
Top French-Inspired Posts of 2016
Style Inspiration
Top 5 Style Inspiration Posts of 2016
Style Inspiration
Top 5 Episodes of The Simple Sophisticate podcast
This & That
January 6, 2017
From Instagram
A Peek into how I live TSLL
Thought to Ponder

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