The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #331

Published: Fri, 12/09/16

Friday December 9, 2016
ISSUE #331

The funny thing about traditions or social norms is that while it may feel intimidating to do something that rivals the expectation, usually it is far more difficult to make the decision to act or live differently than it is to actually embrace and live the change we seek. For example, the Thanksgiving holiday here in the states presumes you will spend time with family and/or friends, eat turkey and then eat too much turkey, dessert, etc. This year, as I shared, I choose my own path because quite frankly, Thanksgivings spent doing what you're expected to do aren't that much fun if nobody is relaxed and being themselves. My Thanksgiving this year was different than in years past, but I was far more at ease, content and thankful for having the courage to listen to what had been trying to be heard for a very long time.

Perhaps there are smaller traditions or ways of living that just don't work for you. Maybe you don't know exactly why it always feels like a size too small or a touch off key, but you're curious to try something new, something different, something that has piqued your interest for quite sometime. However, every time you think about taking action, you contemplate the consternation it may cause with those around you. You worry making the leap will cause an alienation or a leave you regretting your decision. 

While truthfully, you will never know unless you try, if you sincerely know something isn't working for you, anything you try will probably be better if your mind is set on making it so. From my experience, part of why we hang on for so long to what isn't working is because we have told ourselves we have to, and when we let go, we allow our minds to riddle us with guilt. That guilt is a machination you have allowed your mind to create and bully you with. Change your mind, become its master, and trust that you may have an idea of what is working well and what isn't. Because most likely, if you've been contemplating it this long, you do.  Leap. Be brave, respect your one and only life and live in such a way that allows you to come alive and be yourself. It is a most, if not the most, wonderful gift you can give yourself.

Speaking of gifts, Mother Nature gave the city of Bend, Oregon, more than eight inches of snow in a matter of eight hours yesterday, and then it kept snowing. What a beautiful day it was (check out my Instagram to see a few pics, as well as my IG story). It always amazes me how quickly the mood can change. One moment, going through the daily motions and the next, gawking, dancing and cheering that it is snowing, feeling even more festive and full of exuberance for the holiday season. Sounds cheesy, perhaps, but I love these changes in the seasons. They serve as such worthwhile reminders that life offers us multitudes of opportunities to change, evolve and grow if only we will grasp them.

In this week's newsletter discover 11 skills to practice that will no doubt improve the quality of your everyday life should you wish to do so. As well, on the podcast this week, relationships were discussed . . . well actually . . . . what to do before you step into a relationship. Some wonderful comments from readers were shared and feel free to share your own experience because as we know each of us as a unique journey to travel, but we can all learn from others who have gone before us.

As always, thank you for subscribing to the newsletter. I do hope your holiday season is going well, and you are enjoying designing it in your very own way. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog!
From the Archives​​​​​​​
Wednesday's Why Not
11 Skills Worth Practicing No Matter What Your Age
Style Inspiration
Love Them, Don't Hide Them
Outfit of the Week
Holiday Attire: A Touch of Blush
Decor Inspiration
A Cottage Vacation in Devon
This & That
December 9, 2016
Posts from the Archives
From Instagram
A Peek into how I live TSLL
Thought to Ponder

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