The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #327

Published: Fri, 11/11/16

Friday November 11, 2016
ISSUE #327

I have been thinking a lot about second chances lately. Life doesn't often offer them, but I am beginning to think that when they do come around in our lives, it as if life is saying, "This is important. Try again and do your best. I know you can do better." We don't always know why we need to learn that particular lesson at the time, but usually, we do find out down the road or during the occasion of the second opportunity as we witness a different result.

I recently had an unexpected opportunity at a second chance (regarding exactly what I will keep to myself), and the serendipity was I had recognized after the first opportunity that I didn't do my best. I will argue that I did my best at the time based on my ability, energy, clarity, etc., but in hindsight I knew why it hadn't gone well. 

Since then, I have been dialoguing, examining and writing it out, trying to make sense of why I did what I did and how to refrain from making the same mistake. One significant aha for me was discovered recently with the concept of the art of attraction. We attract what we think about. After all, so much of what we see is what we are looking for. Many things happen but those in proximity don't see it because they either don't know what they are witnessing or they are looking for something else and miss what is right in front of them. 

So why not attract what you want rather than what you don't want? Why not imagine your success? Why not choose good outcomes instead of bad? Why not expend your finite amount of energy on figuring out scenarios in which it all works out rather than sabotaging yourself before anything has even occurred?

I took my own advice this week and applied it. Assumed a positive outcome, said yes without hesitation to opportunities and let go of the outcome. After all, even though we continue to imagine the life we want to attract to us it doesn't mean everything will work out each time. No, but eventually, with the hopeful, determined attitude, when the energies outside of you intertwine with another with similar ideas, the moment will seem almost magical. And again, it can't happen if you're not looking for it. The law of attraction.

So today and as we move forward with our lives, let's think about what we want to attract rather than what we want to avoid or never experience. Let us each let go of what is weighing us down and blinding us from so much that wants to go well. Then, when the good materializes, we will see it and appreciate it even more because we know it doesn't come along every time.

Now to the contents of this week's newsletter.

Good and not so good, even bad emotions ran rampant this week for a variety of reasons. From the national elections here in the states to personal news and events in each of our lives and everything in between, this week has been full and eventful. Consequently, the blog was full of additional posts and involvement by you the readers. The Petite Post, "Thoughts on the Election" elicited wonderful conversation from TSLL readers, and I want to thank you for the civil, thoughtful dialogue. I continue to be inspired by you and reminded that communication, healthy, respectful communication, is indeed the bedrock of so much success, progress and contentment in our lives. As well, a new TSLL Recipe was shared. Simple, delicious, I think you are going to enjoy. The podcast this week welcomed a returning guest, and we had much to discuss: shopping in NYC, the holidays, fall trends and more. Be sure to tune in. 

And with that I will let you enjoy the newsletter and your weekend. May it be exactly what you need and wish for. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog​​​​​!​​​​​​​
Outfit of the Week
Holiday Noir Attire
TSLL Recipe
A Decadent & Simple Salad
Wednesday's Why Not
Establish Weekend Rituals?
Style Inspiration
Wrapping It Up
Petite Post
Thoughts on the Election
Decor Inspiration
French Modern
This & That
November 11, 2016
Posts from the Archives
From Instagram
A Peek into how I live TSLL
Thought to Ponder

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