The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #324

Published: Fri, 10/21/16

Friday October 21, 2016
ISSUE #324 

As I type, each breath is a bit deeper, my to-do list is appearing ever shorter, and knowing that the new blog design has been revealed, I cannot be more grateful. This week on the blog has been a busy one: both with the double posting schedule (at least two new posts went live each day) and with some on-the-fly fixes behind the scenes that the design team quickly attended to as the blog nestled into its new home. I cannot remember being as attentive to my blog this past weekend and at the beginning of the week as I wanted to ensure she arrived safe and sound at her new destination. 

I speak of TSLL as though it is a breathing and living entity, but to me, it is rather important. First of all, it began as my outlet to share, connect and search out answers to questions about a life. And then it became a way to connect with all of you, readers of similar interests and appreciations. One part of this week with the relaunch that truly astounded and reminded me of the kind and thoughtful readership that stops by TSLL regularly was your emails letting me know when things were and weren't going well. They were always polite and expressed understanding, and I couldn't have appreciated your helpfulness more. Needless to say, we had our hands full, so your eyes and ears were quite helpful as this change was prompted by the realization that we had outgrown our old space and needed to offer a better experience for you. So thank you for your support, applause and help. 

Some have asked if my team has grown. Nope. It is just me. Yes, the team I hired for my web design will continue to support TSLL as we move forward and Inslee once again out did herself with the beautiful illustration you see at the top of this newsletter and the header of the blog, but it is still just me. And I rather like that. It allows me to continue to connect with you, and it ensures I know how things are truly going so I can continue to post about topics that are not only interesting to me but to you as well. 

Now, let's get to the newsletter. As I mentioned at the top, it has been a busy week. Along with the regular daily posts, a new Petite Post was shared each day to introduce you to the details of the new design. For example, "A Layout to Love" walks you through the entire homepage and shares with you some special features about permanent locations for certain categories as well as the rotation of all of the posts. Look for future Petite Posts that will share even more exciting details I think you will enjoy and utilize in your travels and search for inspiration and ideas for living simply luxuriously. As for all of the details about the reason for the new blog design, read "A Fresh New Look", the first  post that went live on Monday morning. And if you love the new illustration, she is available on a new notepad that became available just this week. And for a limited time, there is a discount available. Check out the Petite Post titled "Live Simply, Live Well" to learn more.

Well, that's enough talk. I have a feeling you want to start checking everything out. One last item before I wrap up. If you live in Portland, Oregon, turn on your televisions or set your DVRs today (Friday) to KATU-TV's "Afternoon Live" broadcast between 3-4. TSLL was invited to sit down and talk about "Refined living on an everyday income" and I have a feeling you know what I am going to share. :)

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, and thank you again for subscribing. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog​​​​​!​​​​​​​

Petite Post
A Layout to Love
Wednesday's Why Not
Utilize Fashion as a Medium of Communication?
Shannon's Journey
A Fresh New Look
Style Inspiration
An Eclectic Mix
Petite Post
Live, Simply, Live Well Notepads - New!
Petite Post
Versace Atelier Per Tutti!
Decor Inspiration
Simple White Luxury
Petite Post
A Worthwhile Necessity, Disguised as a Luxury
This & That
October 21, 2016
  1. Inner Engineering - book
  2. Ten Restaurants That Changed America - book
  3. A New Way to Dinner - cookbook
  4. Norah Jones, Day Break - music
  5. Sam Edelman 'Victoria' slouch boot - shopping
  6. SARTO by Franco Sarto over-the-knee boot - shopping​​​​​​​
Posts from the Archives
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A Peek into how I live TSLL
Thought to Ponder

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