As I shared a few weeks ago, significant changes
are coming to TSLL. And because of this, things on the old (current) site aren't running as smoothly as so much is taking place behind the scenes. With the big reveal just a few days away, I am keeping in mind Thomas Edison's quote, "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
Now my situation doesn't involve the severity or equate exactly to what is stated above, but there have been moments where the frustration has been immense (site crashing for over five hours Wednesday night due to changes in my database; me, fast asleep, had no idea). However, I also knew that this change, this upgrade, was not only necessary as we have
outgrown the current site, it is also something that would align more with what I have believed living simply luxuriously is all about.
Needless to say, I cannot wait to share with you TSLL's new home. And I want to express my appreciation for your patience.
With all of that said, I sincerely believe that anything worth attaining, any goal that is worthwhile takes immense effort, investment and patience. The investment can come in a vary of ways: your time, your money, sacrificing other items that are not a priority to ensure what you are pursuing occurs. The effort requires tenacity. A willingness to not
be thwarted by challenges, but instead making the decision to learn something new, reach out for help from those who know and becoming the learner once again. And the patience part. Patience does not mean we sit idly by. No. Patience is while you wait, you work, you plan, you contemplate new and creative ideas because you recognize this time between when you began and when you reach your goal as an opportunity to grow, stretch and come all that much closer to your full
Today, I hope you decide to keep striving toward a goal that may be frustrating you right now. Perhaps you have questioned why you are still pursuing something that hasn't materialized. And believe it or not, questioning is okay. You want to be making conscious progress, reassessing as you go.
But don't think for a moment that just because it hasn't happened yet, that it won't happen. Hang in there. I know exactly how you feel, and I refuse to back down until what I have envisioned is realized.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend, and thank you for subscribing to TSLL's weekly newsletter. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog!