Bonjour! Bienvenue dans la première semaine de Français! Don't worry, I will not be writing much more in French, but I thought it only fitting to welcome you to the wonderful week we've had here on the blog this past week.
The response truly
has been overwhelmingly wonderful, and I want to thank all of the readers that have already stopped by to share their thoughts on the many topics that have been shared (see below - 10 posts including an extra episode of the podcast which will air early tomorrow morning!).
Special, much-anticipated occasions, much like this week has been for me, are
an ingredient of life we must not forget to include as we build a life we love. I was thinking about this yesterday as I was pulling together the newsletter contemplating my next travel excursion. We need these moments of stepping away from our everyday routine, no matter how much we adore it, to exfoliate (is that the right word for it?) our old selves, our old ways of being that are no longer "us", no longer how we wish to live, or think or be.
When we step away even if only for a weekend, but even better if we take more time, we give ourselves perspective and appreciation for what is going well, but also awareness to what just doesn't fit into our personal puzzle anymore.
I know for many,
vacations and getaways are wrapping up this time of year, and perhaps you are already pondering the changes you want to make as you step into the fall season. This desire is the gift of a changed schedule, the gift of a different way of living if only for a few weeks. And while there are many gifts that travel and getaways give us, I think the gift of perspective and a build up of strength as we recognize the importance to make the necessary changes that will improve the quality of our
everyday lives is one of the most powerful.
And so, in a small way, TSLL French Week has been an extraordinary change of pace here on the blog. With two posts a day (every 12 hours a new post was promised and delivered!) for five and a half days, the passion for France was set loose and it has been so much fun to bring it to you. I certainly look forward to
making this an annual event.
Now don't forget to tune in tomorrow morning (Saturday) for an extra episode of The Simple Sophisticate as I had the opportunity to chat with a New York Times best-selling author about her recently released novel in which Paris is involved with the primary theme. She is a delightful conversationalist, and I think
you will enjoy the 15-20 minutes of audio leisure time. It will be posted at 1 am (Pacific time), and it will be the culminating event of TSLL French Week.
Thank you as always for choosing to subscribe to TSLL weekly newsletter. More exciting news is coming in October, but don't forget that next Thursday TSLL Fall Shopping Guide is released to help you navigate all of the trends as well as share some items I have hand-picked that I think you will enjoy (if you are already a subscriber to this newsletter, you will be ensured a direct delivery to your inbox early Thursday morning).
Wishing you a wonderful weekend, this last weekend of August (what? I know!). Until next week, I'll see you on the blog (or on the podcast)!
P.S. There will be one more post for #tsllfrenchweek going live at 1 pm today (Friday) along with the additional podcast episode, so be sure to stop back by the blog to check it out.