The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #307

Published: Fri, 07/01/16

Friday July 1, 2016          ISSUE #307



As I type this week's letter from the editor, Wimbledon volleying and grunting plays in the background on my living television. Such a sweet time of year, as I speak more about it in a post this week "Wimbledon Begins", but there is something about annual events, gatherings and dates of recognition that are something to savor. From birthdays to anniversaries, dates of memoriam and dates to be part of others interested in a similar pastime, recognizing and enjoying such events is a treat because they do indeed only happen every so often.

Perhaps we can take a lesson from these occasions, to savor more of what is lovely, enjoyable and tranquil. To revel in the everyday moments that make us smile, that are going well and that make our days all the more comfortable.

A few I have been reveling in since summer began are the morning visits from my new hummingbirds that have found my feeder just outside my kitchen window, lounging with the boys on the porch at the precise time in the late morning when the summer sun is perfect for soaking up its rays, waking up in the morning to hear the birds chirp and sprinklers kick on as I take the boys outside, pick up the paper and wait for my tea kettle to sing. Simple everyday things that are truly, truly luxurious each time I have the opportunity to experience them. 

I hope you have many of these moments in your everyday as well. The simple life is a truly luxurious life if we are present, if we take the time to cultivate what works for us, establish a routine, a strong, healthy state of mind and a community that revolves around such appreciation. In this week's newsletter you will find a glimpse into one way that I enjoy spending time with friends in the summer, and in doing, continue to build a community of similar tastes, passions and enjoyment. May your everyday be grand, and may you pinch yourself from time to time.

A wide array of posts are available to be enjoyed this week, from stocking your kitchen with the necessities to always having a great meal, to how to entertain al fresco, a mini tourist guide to Bend, Oregon, to decor and summer fashion.

As well, you might remember that back in early spring I sought your feedback about TSLL Notepads, and after looking over all of the fantastic suggestions and recommendations, they have finally arrived! See a glimpse of what will be available next Friday.

And in good news, as TSLL newsletter subscribers, you are the first to know that you may pre-order now. Yep, that's right. Place your orders today that will begin being shipped on Friday July 8th. And more good news - yes, my international readers, I will be able to ship to you as well (while the shipping cost will be a bit more, learn about all of the details here).

Wishing you a wonderful first weekend of July. Thank you for subscribing to TSLL newsletter, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.


Monday's Podcast . . . 
TSLL Recipe:
Three-Mustard Chicken
Wimbledon Begins
Bend, Sweet Bend
Why Not . . . ?
Decor Inspiration:
A Necessary Detail in a Sanctuary
Style Inspiration
This & That: No.216

Posts from the Archives . . . 
Instagram - A Peek into how I live TSLL
Pinterest - Where I share what inspires me - style, decor, food, quotes and more . . . 
The Podcast!
TSLL Spring Shopping Guide
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