The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #300

Published: Fri, 05/13/16

Friday May 13, 2016          ISSUE #300


The idea of timing regarding our lives is often discussed here on TSLL, and as we know there is much that is out of our control. Often we cannot know why, at the time, things do not happen the way we had hoped or imagined. But sometimes, if we're lucky, hindsight allows us the vision to understand and hopefully pass along the advice that we must trust the timing of our lives.

Thankfully we always have the opportunity to grow, evolve, and reach ever-more impressive versions of who we were yesterday and are today. We cannot know what skills we need until an opportunity presents itself and we either find that we are lacking or are sufficiently prepared. In the case of the former, sometimes we try to keep pushing, try to force an unpolished us into a hole that was designed for the finished version. And to prove its point, the universe will sometimes give us what we thought we wanted, only to show us, "Nope, you're weren't ready." 

The mystery of timing is perplexing and frustrating, but simply knowing it exists within each of our lives should give us some comfort. What else can we learn? How else can we grow? What mini journey and adventures can we embark on while the future we thought we wanted tells us, "Not yet"? 

If we choose to see timing, something that is out of our control, as a gift, we can see the extra time we thought we did not have to our advantage. Simply because something hasn't occurred doesn't mean it won't. The onion that is our life has many layers, and often we have no idea what lays beneath the next one we pull back. Revel in the time to become a person you never thought you could be but now have the opportunity to become. Because when what you wished for does occur, you will begin to see why it had to play out the way it did. 

Wishing you a lovely weekend. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.

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