Often when change is brought into our lives, whether we invite it or not, we can't entirely know how everything will play out. More-so when it arrives unexpectedly, but even when we initiate it, even when we say yes with a jovial, enthusiastic smile, what comes after and how it all unfolds can be surprising.
Such is the case as the school year winds down and my first go-round in my new teaching position is wrapping up, I have never felt more exhausted. I have tried to ignore and refuse to accept that I could be any more tired than previous years. After all, I've taught for 15 years, so why would this year be any
different? But as I was talking with a fellow new, but seasoned colleague, he too expressed a similar sentiment. And this similarity prompted my mind to wonder . . . perhaps, just perhaps, everything was getting real.
Now, this is not a negative thing. In fact, I
think it is a very good thing. Because what it revealed to me is that I was settling in, the high had worn off and I was feeling at home. However, the enthusiasm and drive to prove that I deserved the job I have felt fortunate to be given had been more on overdrive at a consistent level for nine months thus wearing down my machine that now, finally, my body and mind have begun to ask for a moment to rejuvenate themselves.
More than anything, what this has revealed to me is that sometimes we don't know how charged up we are or how drilled down and focused we are until our bodies say, "Hold up!". In such cases, we need to listen. We need to respect and we need to respond in kind so that we can go on living and appreciating the changes we have
welcomed into our lives.
I know without hesitation that I am extremely excited to begin the next school year, but I am okay with it starting in the fall. The break will be much appreciated and taken advantage of which is precisely what my body and mind have
been asking for.
Perhaps you too have been ignoring something that your body has refused to let you ignore. Don't be afraid to tend to it so you can return stronger and happier for the next go-round. You most likely don't know how sweet the break will be and how powerful it will be for your productivity and enjoyment when you
In this week's newsletter discover a tool for simplifying but at the same time improving the quality of your life, and in this week's Why Not . . . ? we're talking style and a simple, but significant way my style has changed over the past 11 months. Also, be sure to click on this week's This & That to find some
great new books and fantastic sales to enjoy this long weekend.
Wishing you a lovely weekend, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.