Do you ever have moments when life just prompts you to pause? Stopping you completely in the moment and presenting you with an idea you've never really pondered? I find such moments to be well, for lack of a better term, momentous. It's have as if a great growth spurt has occurred, and we weren't cognizant that it was underway until just at that moment when it completes its
Often my mind is pushed into a stay of dizziness as I'm not sure at that immediate moment what it all means. However, what such moments tell me is that what I need, what is absolutely mandatory, is to find time to be with my thoughts, to work through them, to make sense
of them.
When I respect what life has presented to me, and take the time to work through what is initially a foreign aha, I eventually wade through it and come out on the other side with a smile stretching from ear to ear, thankful for the opportunity life has bestowed upon me.
At the moment a few things have caused me to feel this way, and so this weekend, I am pausing. I am taking a weekend for myself. After stopping into the local TEDx event tomorrow to listen to a few speakers that I have caught my attention, I am stepping back, and am going to make sense of all that has plopped into my life. Please note, all of these new arrivals are opportunities,
but I have yet to unwrap their package entirely and appreciate them for all they have to offer. Who knows what I will find, but needless to say, I am excited.
This coming Monday is the podcast's 100th episode, and many of you have emailed and even sent gifts of celebration (see what one kind reader from Australia sent via the
post this week in my Instagram pic below). I cannot fully express how fortunate I feel to have your time and attention for 20-30 minutes each week. I am truly humbled and look forward to doing my best to bring quality content each week.
But let's not rush ourselves to Monday. After all, we have a weekend to enjoy, and I have no
doubt you know how to enjoy it. Wishing you a lovely few days of respite. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.