Excitement and sadness, exhilaration and frustration. Confidence and fear. When opposing emotions enter our lives at precisely the same time, it can be hard to know how to behave. The attacks in Paris have held my attention since I first heard of their unfolding on my Friday walk with the boys, and my heart is still heavy. As I shared in this week's
Thoughts from the Editor (and why I won't delve too far here), it took more time than I expected to understand what I felt and why I felt it more intrinsically than I expected.
Conflicting emotions can make it hard to maneuver through the everyday, but what I have found to be the better course of action is to recognize the emotions, take time to understand them, but refuse to be their servant. After all, with a clear mind, we know what particular scenarios need from us. We know when suffering is occurring to provide comfort and support in a way the griever needs it most. We know that we must be professional at work and not take
our roles and responsibilities lightly. And we too know that we need to find outlets to unwind, celebrate and relax. Balance is crucial.
Cognizance and common sense. Two qualities that require us each to be present, aware and composed as necessary. To
simply allow life to toss us at its whim is to allow the world to lead us around by the nose. However, when we determine how we will respond, better results occur, more satisfaction is felt and a sense of true contentment is achieved. Find the courage to take the reins. It won't always be easy and you will be pushed beyond what you thought you were capable of from time to time, but you will be thankful upon reflection. You will be better off as well.
In this week's newsletter, you'll find what many listeners wrote to share was the most inspirational episode of the podcast this year. Elizabeth Gilbert's new book Big Magic was my muse, and I must say, it was quite a bit of fun to produce. More than anything I hope
this newsletter finds you well and ready to begin the holiday season. May this festive time of year bring what you need and hope for, and may you cultivate experiences that cause you to look back with fondness and smile. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog!