The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #275

Published: Fri, 11/13/15

Friday November 6, 2015          ISSUE #274


​​Last Sunday I tuned in to Oprah's Super Soul Sunday to discover author and blogger Gretchen Rubin being interviewed about her Happiness Project. While I have read and have followed Gretchen for years, it was a worthwhile refresher course on how we embody more power than we realize to cultivate a more fulfilling life for ourselves if only we would realize it.

After finishing the episode, I was inspired to read back through The Happiness Project and stopped to reread her list of Secrets of Adulthood.  Prompted to come up with my own version of her "Turning a computer off and back on often fixes a glitch", I came up with something that pertains to people as well. Similar to the batteries in our smart phones, our laptops, our tablets, we need to recharge regularly, and this past week, for me, has provided just that.

With the holidays fewer than two weeks away (as Thanksgiving is November 26th here in the states), sometimes we forget how exhausting this festive time of year can be. Now don't get me wrong, I eagerly anticipate this time of year and am very much like a child as I become giddy for the celebration, food and seeing loved ones, but then I forget how much extra time and energy all of this change to the everyday routine requires. 

Thankfully this past week was abbreviated when it came to certain work requirements, and a few longer walks were taken, more sleep was had and Thursday found me just as recharged as Monday. However, the lesson needs to be noted: we each need to do this regularly throughout the year. And if we know we are going to be presented with a excessively hectic schedule, we might want to take a few extra long moments to recharge leading up to such occasions as the end-of-year holiday season. Now only will your schedule thank you, but your waistline, your relations and most importantly, you will thank you because you will enjoy with even more revelry a unique time of year. 

However, the holidays are not here yet, and so we must get back to our regularly Friday newsletter, no? In this week's issue, I mentioned last week I had the opportunity to step behind the scenes of one of my favorite bakeries in Bend, and so in this week's Thoughts from the Editor take a look at The Sparrow Bakery. A very sweet home away from home indeed.  Also, style was the topic at hand in this week's episode of The Simple Sophisticate, and readers were sharing generously on Facebook and beyond. Be sure to have a look and listen. And lastly, I do believe I have found my new favorite annual holiday movie. Check out This & That to discover what looks to be a roaringly funny and heartwarming film. Have a wonderful weekend, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog!


Monday's Podcast . . . 
Word of the Week :
No. 25
Decor Inspiration:
A Go-To Kitchen
Tuesday's Style Inspiration
Outfit of the Week:  
Thoughts from the Editor:
The Sparrow Bakery
This & That: No.184

Posts from the Archives . . . 
Instagram - A Peek into how I live TSLL
Pinterest - Where I share what inspires me - style, decor, food, quotes and more . . . 
The Podcast!
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