The only thing I hope to regret in life is not giving it my all, and so far, so long as I've given my all, I've never had regrets.
I share this life mission because just last night, I became aware of news that broke my heart. No, don't worry, nobody died, nothing tragic occurred comparatively, but I am heartbroken due to the amount of time, conversations and relationships I had built surrounding this particular occurrence. However, the fact that I gave it my all is what is giving me peace. I dug in. I did everything
in my power and didn't give up. The true colors of other people involved were revealed, and in a sense, I guess so were mine, and that is what makes my sleep so sweet.
The unsettling part is I've never been in this particular place in my life. I am not
sure what the future looks like. Part of me is trepidatious, and the other part of me (the-growing-significantly-by-the-minute part of me) is excited, curious and eager to see where this new life path may lead. Don't worry, this life "hiccup" has nothing to do with my teaching job, the blog or my moving to Bend, but it does have to do with what I thought my life was going to look
For those of you who are religious, I have a feeling I know what you are going to say. But for the first time, I will tell you, I am not religious, I am agnostic, and it is clear some paths are not meant for us to traveled, at least not at
this particular time. Sometimes, no matter what we do, we cannot make the life we think we should be living occur. And, as it has been my experience, it usually is a very good thing, we just don't realize it . . . yet. Keeping that life lesson in mind is what is causing me to become more and more excited.
However, I will not lose the lesson. There were many lessons, and I am writing them down (look for some of them to be topics on upcoming podcast episodes). Sometimes our limited perspective cannot see what is possible until we are nudged (or in some cases, pushed) to see the reality that can be ours that is far greater than we could have ever imagined. I have a feeling I am being pushed in this particular life moment, and once I
work through my frustration, I am beyond ecstatic to see what lays ahead. I look forward to sharing with you my journey.
Because after all, our journeys are often extraordinary for what they reveal when much of it contain occurrences that
we could have never predicted.
Moving forward . . . after taking a loooooong deep breath, I will be savoring a weekend of taking in the annual Bend Film Festival (be sure to follow on Instagram to catch the films I take in), and shopping around for gourds and mums (I know I said I'd do this last week, but time ran away from me). After all, it is fall, a most gorgeous time of year, and I for one am going to savor it. Won't you join me?
I hope however you choose to enjoy the weekend, it is lovely, rejuvenating and reassuring that the life path you are traveling is exactly where you wish to be heading.
Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.