The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #272

Published: Fri, 10/23/15

Friday October 23, 2015          ISSUE #272


​​Any country in order to define their territory must have boundaries indicating the land that is their sovereign right to rule. Once boundaries have been established, similar to South Sudan (the most recent country to be added and recognized by the international country), they will be tested . . . fiercely. After all, upon seceding from the founding fatherland, it most often is not an amicable separation. A loss of control is felt, perhaps economic wealth is lost and a readjustment is needed that wasn't desired or expected. 

But in time, if the boundaries are defended effectively and with clarity as to why they were built in the first place, the boundaries become second nature and the outside world learns to not question them, or at least not as often or as fiercely. 

The same can be true in our lives. Boundaries are imperative in our social circles, in attaining the respect we seek, in building the life that honors what we value. The importance of boundaries has been discussed a multitude of times on TSLL blog (click here to see the long list of posts), but as with a new country establishing itself, it takes time. Along with clarity of purpose, patience and determination, these ingredients will ensure that in time the boundaries you establish will eventually become second nature to others and will very rarely be questioned.

As has been the case with building TSLL, it has taken time for others and even myself to respect the boundaries I have placed around my time. The time needed to create, find inspiration and find time to rejuvenate so that each week the content will be something I am proud of and most importantly something you as a reader can find inspiring and applicable to the life you are living and building. So as you go about setting and adhering to the boundaries that will help you cultivate the life you are striving for, have patience with yourself, refuse to become discouraged and trust that you know what is right for the life you live each and every day more than anyone else ever could.

One of the primary components to living the life we want is managing our money well. In this week's episode of The Simple Sophisticate the idea of acting versus being rich was the focal point and readers and listeners chimed in and shared exuberantly with their friends and family as well as in the comments section. Please do share your experience with living below your means and how it has complemented the simply luxurious life you live.

And with that, the weekend has arrived! I am eager to take in a little jazz, spend some time in my favorite coffee shop and perhaps pop into to see the latest film starring Carey Mulligan should it be in Bend's theaters this weekend (see the trailer in this week's This & That). Wishing you a lovely few days to relax and enjoy.

Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.


Monday's Podcast . . . 
Word of the Week :
No. 22
Tuesday's Style Inspiration
Outfit of the Week:  
Decor Inspiration:
A Handsome Space 
This & That: No.181

Posts from the Archives . . . 
Instagram - A Peek into how I live TSLL
Pinterest - Where I share what inspires me - style, decor, food, quotes and more . . . 
The Podcast!
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