Let me begin today's newsletter by saying, I've never been one to believe in fate or destiny mainly because unless we do the work, life can't offer us what we are capable of attaining, but what I've begun to realize about life is that the more we become in tune with our innate talents, our sincere passions and preferences and when
we come to appreciate and therefore allow to thrive our personality, certain paths feel most comfortable and others do not.
The recognition of both becomes easier as each of the items in the list above is something that becomes second
nature, and we begin to sit well within our own skin. We begin to rely less on what others would do or recommend. And while we gather feedback from experts, we trust that once we have all of the necessary information, only we can make the best decisions for ourselves because only we know what we can endure and what would be unsettling.
I have found that the true gift of reaching this point in life, and I can only imagine and hope that the benefit increases as we move forward in life with such information, is that we recognize when life is speaking to us and we don't blindly ignore the opportunities when they are presented. I use the word opportunity rather than "danger ahead" sign because it truly
is an opportunity. An opportunity to choose a better path, a more fortuitous path, a more fulfilling path.
But for someone who doesn't know themselves, who doesn't trust themselves and who isn't aware of what they can contribute to the world and
what they need in their lives to do that, such opportunities are ignored, and the lesson must, and will, reappear until we learn.
Such an opportunity presented itself just yesterday in my life, and it was beyond surreal. I am not yet sure what it
will yield, but I know I am headed in an amazing direction that had it not happened would have left me trucking down a different path.
The first step and the best gift we can give ourselves and thus the quality of our lives is to get to know
ourselves, enjoy and revel in what we discover and then keep our eyes open. Life will speak to us when we least expect it.
In this week's newsletter, happiness kicked off the beginning of the work week, and a book that many readers
have been asking about was recommended in the podcast's weekly Petit Plaisir. Also, a reminder as I have begun to make my bi-annual capsule wardrobe list, fall shopping is just around the corner and the Seasonal Shopping Guide will be sent to subscribers
on Tuesday September 1st. Have you subscribed? Most weekly newsletter subscribers are already on the list unless you've opted out, so stay tuned for direct shopping links and ideas on how to navigate the new season.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
and thank you for subscribing to TSLL newsletter. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.