One of my most beloved parts of the day is the moment the sun's first hello of the morning is about to occur, and only a skiff of daylight illuminates the horizon. During this time of year that would make it about 4:30 am. Anyway, lying in bed, witnessing this gradual, yet inevitable shift of time without fail prompts the hope inside me to
swell. Why? Perhaps it is because, after so much darkness, the light is always around the corner, a new start, a fresh beginning, a brand new day literally to enjoy, appreciate and to shift into the gear each of us might need to steer toward the life of our dreams.
Isn't that a wonderful life truth to always know will occur? While it is also a humbling truth, it is a reassuring truth, one that I felt with enormity this past Thursday morning. The final paycheck from my now former school district had arrived, my email account had been closed and my files were transferred. I am officially moving on, and moving forward.
Please don't let me fool you, I have felt a bevy of ranging emotions, some I probably do not know how to accurately label. In fact, I have been at the brim of bawling, and the irony is that it was a decision I have been wanting to make for years, and without question still do, but still . . . tears? So as Morrie Schwartz advises, I let myself feel each of these emotions, to ebb and flow with them instead of fighting them. And for that advice alone, I am thankful because today, now, each morning, is a new day. A fresh start.
We each get this opportunity . . . each and every day. What we do with it is entirely up to each one of us. Are you looking or wanting to make a leap? Are you simply wanting to make a simple change that if adhered to with persistence could make a tremendous difference in your life? Today is the day. Do something today that will edge you toward the goal, the life, the person, you know you are capable of living and/or
So much time can pass without us realizing how much is behind us. Don't waste a moment. Live, experiment, try, fall down, get up and strive forward. At some point along the way, you will be glad you did.
A note of reminder, if you are looking to book an online styling session for your upcoming fall wardrobe, sign-ups begin bright and early tomorrow (Saturday) June 20th. Email me at style@thesimplyluxuriouslife.com beginning at 1 am (PDT) to secure your spot. A 50% deposit will be needed to finalize your place. You can learn more about what the session entails, when styling will begin, etc. here.
In other TSLL news, Decor Inspiration has returned! The inaugural post
is one to love as it is a beach getaway in the Pacific Northwest that if you love it enough, can be yours as it is for sale. Be sure to check it out.
And with that, let the weekend begin! Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.