Have you ever been in a situation and you didn't know what to do, but you knew you needed to do something?
As I am admittedly a searcher, I am regularly assessing and challenging myself to grow as I know I can always learn something new and will forever be a work in progress, but lately I've been realizing some of my approaches (perhaps small and insignificant to the outside world, yet significant to me) haven't been helping me progress toward certain goals I have set recently. So I sat down and did a little
As I went about my reflection, I came across two quotes. One by Tony Robbins, "Stay
committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach" and one from Bruce Lee, "Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own."
And it was as I read them both a couple of times to allow them the ability to truly sink in that I realized, there were a couple of habits that I was routinely engaged in that while enjoyable, weren't helpful
and were in fact making me quite frustrated as I was expecting certain results to no avail.
Doesn't the common adage state that insanity is continuing to do the same
thing but expecting different results? Well, unbeknownst to me, that was exactly where I found myself. So, a change was in order.
I want to take a close look at the quote
by Bruce Lee, especially the last directive. Often we forget that we each have something unique to add to the efforts we give as we pursue our goals. We have something to offer that no one else does, and while we may look to others as mentors or for guidance, we truly do have something unique within us, and it is imperative that we feed this gift and not drown it out because it doesn't make sense to others or maybe even to ourselves.
In conclusion, as we each let go of habits that no longer assist us in proceeding toward our goals, yet remain resolute that we will indeed be success in our journey, listen to your intuition, trust it because when you let go of
habits that are holding you back, your wings become more capable of carrying you where you were intending to go.
As it is officially spring today, Hoorah! Hoorah!, this week's episode on the podcast dove into how to indeed make this a season that jumpstarts your life. As well, a scrumptious recipe is shared that is simple and will delight your guests for weekday or weekend dinners as it looks complicated, but really can be pulled together in a snap.
Actually, spring really is in the air here on the blog as this week's Thoughts from the Editor was inspired by the spring rains and Tuesday's Style Inspiration was all about Paris and the recent styles seen on the streets earlier this month. Did I
mention we are now officially in spring? :)
I do hope the season kicks off splendidly for you whether you are looking at an upcoming holiday getaway or have the
upcoming two days to revel in your freedom. I don't know about you, but I'm eager for a fresh start - big or small. With that said, cheers to another chance to do it better. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.