The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #243

Published: Fri, 04/03/15

Friday April 3, 2015                 ISSUE #243


Spring time is speech time in my classroom, and I always enjoy perusing the web, especially TedTalks to discover new and inspiring speeches to share with my class for analysis. One speech I came across recently was given by Larry Smith "Why You Will Fail to Have a Great Career", and before you assume any negativity about the speech, listen to his message. It all comes back to conquering fear and the amazing revelations it can bring into our lives when we do.

In this week's podcast I shared 11 ways to overcome fear and offer specific tips on how to live more courageously each and every day. It's never easy, as we all know, to combat fear. After all, it will always be around us, teasing us, taunting us and testing our gumption, but we can and should look it in the face. 

Anyway, back to the speech. Why not seek a great career, the speaker incessantly asks. He offers a couple of reasons, but primarily, it comes down to fear of the unknown, and preferring what we know. 

When it comes to living our best lives, it will undoubtedly take courage, and so I have been quite frequently these past few months tinkering with ways to cultivate TSLL blog and podcast into a well-rounded experience to help readers live an intelligent life, all the while remaining stylish and financially secure. 

​Don't worry, the blog is not changing. Life will remain simple on the blog and in the podcast, but there are items I want to add that I think are lacking. However, before I proceed any further, I want to hear from you.

This week, I brought back the series Outfit of the Week, and I also introduced a new series that will focus on a weekly Grammar Lesson or a Word of the Week to broaden our vocabulary (or remind us of a word we haven't been using but would like to) as we go about our daily lives. To have a look and see exactly what it will entail, click here

In an effort to simplify for you, the readers, how to provide feedback, I have created a very easy to click through 3-Question survey (multiple choice). If you are interested in sharing your thoughts, feel free to visit it here.

But as much as change and courage are a must-have ingredient in our lives for regularly growth and achievement, so too is comfort.  And in this week's Petit Plaisir on the podcast, a simple, yet absolutely scrumptious appetizer is shared (see the Instagram pic below). I have a feeling you will love it. And if you were wondering how TSLL's first book signing went, a write-up and pics are shared in an exclusive post (see below).

I do hope your week went well, and I want to thank you for subscribing to TSLL weekly newsletter. May your upcoming weekend be leisurely and luxurious. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.


Monday's Podcast . . . 
Tuesday's Style Inspiration
Outfit of the Week: White Spring
Good Grammar Is . . .
Posts from the Archives . . . 
This & That: No.152

Instagram - A Peek into how I live TSLL
Pinterest - Where I share what inspires me - style, decor, food, quotes and more . . . 
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