During my senior year of college, I decided to try a few different pursuits. After all, I had just called off an engagement, changed my major to English and was determined to become accepted into graduate school - three things that the year before were not at the forefront of my mind when the topic of my life plan came up in conversation.
One of the new pursuits I decided to tackle was a dance class. Mind you, the first dance class I had ever taken in college (yes, as a young girl, I had much experience, but that was a while go), and then I found the wherewithal to try out for the school's annual production - what was I thinking? And then I made it -
mainly because I could jump, but still, I made it. I have always loved to dance, but being tall, doesn't lend itself well to what choreographers have in mind, even if I can find the beat innately.
For as long as I can remember, I have loved to
dance, move, let go if only for a moment and step away from the world - a mini vacation of sorts or a way to celebrate without saying a word. And interestingly enough, what I have discovered as I navigate this adventure called life is that it's a dance as well.
How, you may be wondering? Well, in order to dance, we must figure out how to move with partners, music and follow steps that are outside of us. We can't know for sure what they will do or require from us. We can't know until we try, until we attempt to move to the beat. Upon moving with the partners or being drawn to music that captivates our interest, that is what we must intuitively respect. While we will be drawn toward someone or to music that we can't quite
explain, to heed this magnetism is what is part of the dance and the adventure. And while the dance moves or our partner's understanding of the choreography may be hard to grasp initially, so long as both parties are willing to practice and to try, the dance itself can become quite magnificent. But the key is being willing to try.
I am confident that life is always wanting us to be successful, we just have to figure out how to dance to the music it is playing. And that is, or can be, excruciatingly hard, especially when the notes aren't given to us beforehand. (If anyone figures out where to find said notes, please feel free to let me know.) I think the key is to keep trying, refuse to give up, refuse to let a chip form on
our shoulder and always come to practice so to speak with a smile and determination to figure it out.
We need to bloody our toes at times, stretch our muscles and in doing so we will come to realize that life doesn't want us to fail, it just often has
higher expectations of what we can do than we might once had believed.
So, won't you join me? Won't you keep trying to learn the dance of life? Each of our choreographed routines will be different, but life wants us to dance. We must
because that is the only way to have moments which will sweep us away.
Wishing you a wonderful first weekend of December. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.
P.S. Signed copies of Choosing The Simply Luxurious Life: A Modern Woman's
Guide are continuing to be shipped out this weekend, so if yours hasn't arrived yet, it will be soon! Also, all reviews on Amazon are greatly appreciated, whatever you would like to say. For those of you who have already shared a review, emailed me or posted on Facebook your kind words and comments, thank you very, very much. I honestly have been in a state of absolute gratitude due to the positive outpouring of support.
~Instagram Flipagram of the first day of deliveries - click here to have a look and see how you can be included in the next post.