Take a deep breath.
Now, one more time.
Too often, I must admit, I forget to take the time to practice such a simple, yet rewarding mindful activity - mediative breathing. The beauty is that it can happen anywhere - while sitting in bed, at work behind our desk, while sitting on the bus or subway (stay alert, however), but you get the
As I mentioned earlier this year, meditation while initially intimidating, is actually a simple way
to bring much calm and peacefulness to everyday life. Lately, I've caught myself so busy trying to navigate a new schedule that is meant to be less hectic that I've forgotten to regularly sit down and just breathe, count my breaths and just breathe again - deeply.
The beauty of the breath is that it gives us time to truly consider our actions before we put them into play. It allows us to think seriously about what we're about to say before an inadvertent foot is placed in our mouths.
Even if we aren't practicing meditation, remembering to be conscious of our breath as we go about our day is a simple way to slow ourselves down. In other words, slow ourselves down enough to act consciously, not out of reaction, and act in a way that is in accordance with who we know we are capable of being.
Today, I will be working to go one step and one breath slower. It couldn't hurt, and it might make all the difference. After all, taking the time to respond thoughtfully, gently and respectfully can turn someone else's day around, not to mention our own, and making a wise decision, rather than a rushed
decision can eliminate any regret or remorse down the road.
Speaking of behaving consciously, in this week's podcast, the discussion centered on authenticity, and doesn't such behavior require that we live mindfully? Indeed,
indeed. Be sure to tune in as benefits are shared as well as a recommendation of a new album that went to the top of the charts this week when it debuted.
Also, be sure to tune in next week when Jennifer L. Scott, the author and lifestyle blogger,
stops by The Simple Sophisticate to talk about her new book At Home with Madame Chic.
I want to take a moment to thank you for stopping by and listening to the
podcast. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, and your comments, tweets and reviews have been a grand blessing. I can't thank you enough for helping TSLL begin this new venture in such an auspicious manner.
I do hope you have a wonderful
first weekend in October. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.