The rush of life that can happen if we don't keep our eye on the speedometer of our everyday routine can run us off course. Unfortunately, if we're going at such breakneck speeds, we too often don't realize we are where we don't wish to be until it's too late (or so far off target that it will take a great amount of effort to get back on track).
What I have discovered through going at speeds that were beyond my limit, was that when I am cruising, high on adrenaline and excitement, when I do have a moment to catch my breath, I am incessantly checking in with others to make sure I am doing the right thing. Should I put an offer on this house? Am I making the right move to purse that
particular new career path? Etc. Etc. And it is when I am checking in with others about the direction of my own life, that I realize, I am off course.
After all, as I will go into much more depth in Monday's upcoming podcast, when we are living
authentically, in alignment with the life path that is best for us, we no longer need external approval. And what a stress we eliminate when we do this, no?
Such a weight can be lifted from our shoulders by tapping into our authentic self, but it requires
that we slow down, take a few things off our plates, exhale deeply and let our shoulders (our lives) relax.
Just this past week, I have decided to eliminate one major stress from my life, and in so doing have begun to get excited about the opportunity
it is presenting. As I want to throughout enjoy the launch of the book Choosing The Simply Luxurious Life: A Modern Woman's Guide this year, I am taking my house off the market temporarily.
I've always wanted to curate a cozy cottage, much like Frances Schultz's Bee Cottage which was spotlighted in House Beautiful (did you know she has a book coming out revealing even
more detail about her Hampton's cottage? I can't wait!). And while I may not be in the town I want just yet in my life, I have the house I want - a French inspired house, no less. So, coming this spring, I will be diving into even more remodeling and decor projects throughout my 2000 sq ft. Normandy-style home (cottage), and I can't wait to see what unfolds. I do so hope you'll join me along this new journey.
And so the weekend arrives and with it we are fully in fall. Yes, a few sweaters will be worn, and perhaps a few more warm drinks sipped and savored. The changing of the seasons is a delight as well as the festivities it brings. I do hope you have a lovely weekend, and thank you for choosing to subscribe to The Simply
Luxurious Life newsletter. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.