As the summer days slowly and leisurely pass
by without a glance at the clock, I have to remind myself to appreciate and savor such a schedule. After all, this time is not routine and before we know it, we'll be back into the throes of fewer vacations and more work on our desks.
So when I heard a recent broadcast "Play Doesn't End with Childhood: Adults Need Recess Too", I stayed in my car to finish listening to what the researcher had discovered, and I wasn't surprised. After all, when we're just playing, we're doing what comes naturally, not pushed or required to act in a certain way, and when we do this, we lose track of time, and actually can
stumble upon new discoveries, talents, and curiosities.
Case in point. I had the opportunity to take my niece and nephew to swim lessons this week, and I must say watching them have so much fun in
the pool made me want to jump in as well. While in their respective classes, both were attentive and eager to try what their instructors were showing them, but with the few minutes before and after class, each of them explored a bit more on their own - just playing. They began to discover new things they could do in the water when they moved their arms this way or that way, and you could see their eyes light up when a new discovery was made.
Such excitement and voluntarily playfulness should not be let go of when we become adults. While there is certain expectations of behavior for adults (as I discuss in this week's readers' favorite post), allowing ourselves regular "play" time, relaxes us, helps us regain our equilibrium and brings us back to who we truly are innately.
So this weekend, allow yourself some play time. Forget the rules, responsibilities and just dance on the coast line, do a cartwheel in the lawn, run with your pups or explore on your canvas. In other words, reinvigorate your everyday and not only will your peace of mind thank you, but the connections with other people as well.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.