"When you leave a place, evaluate the experience. Trust your instinct. This is your
journey." Upon hearing this quote that is found in the film I recommend in this week's This & That, I immediately catalogued it my mind.
Travel. What we encounter and experience when we travel gives us the opportunity to change, to grow, to realize, to wake up, to evolve
more into our best selves. However, it must be a conscious choice. Simply by traveling and returning home, we aren't magically transformed into a better person with more clarity about the direction of our lives, but we can be if we evaluate all that as been presented to us.
Perhaps it
was the play you saw that caught your attention, or the person you struck up a conversation with while on the tour, or maybe it was simply how the destination goes about their days - their priorities, their behavior - and you recognize what you wish to be or realize what you need to refrain from doing. Whatever it is, I encourage you on your next journey, upon returning home, to take time to sit back, relive your trip and discern what was presented to you . . . because something always
If you are reading this on Friday, I will be on my return flight from New York City, and on that flight I will be doing just what I suggested above. With my journal out, I'll try to make sense of all that made an impression on me (and there was oh, so much wonderful material), assess how I felt in
each situation and why, and in so doing, I may not discover all the answers to my questions, but I have no doubt, based on past experience, that I will learn something I didn't already know when I arrived.
In this week's newsletter, you'll discover a new Petit Plaisir. I couldn't help myself when I was
in the kitchen with this recipe. It is absolutely delicious, so simple and ideal for summer nibbling. Wednesday's Why Not . . . ? post certainly grabbed much attention from readers' about how to be extra prepared for nearly any unwanted situation that may arise in life. Do stop by and feel free to add any sage wisdom you've earned from past experiences.
July is rolling by, but hopefully you've found a way to slow down and savor the beautiful summer that has unfolded. Until next week, I'll see you on the