The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #199

Published: Fri, 05/23/14

Friday May 23, 2014                                                                                                  Issue #199

Anyone who has experience with setting goals, imagining their future, and putting together a plan to achieve it, also knows that simply because we plan doesn't ensure that the journey along the way will go as expected. 

Often the detours arise and realizations of what precisely is necessary will shift as well as we get to know ourselves along the journey. For example, this week I took and stretched myself a little bit, not knowing how I would be received. After having prepared for the past couple of months for this opportunity, I had covered all of my bases, or so I thought. The one thing I had not prepared for was my intuition stopping me in my tracks and blatantly telling me that I needed to alter my path in order to reach my desired destination. 

Initially I was a wreck - wrought with a feeling of defeat, but then after hearing some trusted encouraging words, awaking from a much-needed full night's sleep, I realized my intuition had done me a monumental favor. 

In the particular scenario above, my intuition was finally able to grab my attention and put precisely what I thought I needed in order to navigate toward my goal in front of me and reveal to me that a few of the steps I thought I needed were not only unnecessary, they would also be detrimental in my quest to reach the long-term destination. 

Ultimately, the take away lesson is this - upon carefully planning your path to achievement, remain flexible to shift and adjust as you evolve along the journey, because you will and that is a very good thing . . . a very good thing indeed.

In this week's newsletter, be sure to take a look at the 12 simple ways you can jump start your day. Whether it's the weekend or Monday morning, readers made this post their favorite this week. And if you are looking for a fool-proof quiche recipe, TSLL finally has added said recipe to our dossier. With a buttery crust, decadent custard and easy prep, your next lunch, breakfast or dinner is sure to be absolutely scrumptious. 

And as the Memorial Day weekend begins, sales abound all over the web. Visit today's Weekend post on the blog to discover a few fantastic sales, but here's one sale that only newsletter subscribers will know about in advance:  J.Crew - beginning Sunday (May 25th) through Tuesday (May 27th), everything is 30% off site wide with promo code WEEKEND. So go visit today, fill your bag, and then wake up Sunday morning for some wonderful savings. Also, Nordstrom is having their half-yearly anniversary sale - items are marked up to 40% off, so stock up on those items you been patiently waiting to drop in price. 

Whether you have the opportunity of three days off or not, enjoy a safe, lovely, relaxing weekend. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.


PS - Visit the FAQ page which was finally launched this week to view all of the answers to readers' most frequently asked questions. 

Monday's Inspiration . . . 
Wednesday's Why Not . . . ?
Tuesday's Decor Inspiration: Rustic Simplicity
Thursday's Style Inspiration . . .
The Week-end Petit Plaisir
Posts from the Archives . . . 
Outfit of the Week:No. 21

As Nordstrom's half-yearly sale is on, I was eager to stop by and shop this week's Outfit of the Week, and what I found didn't disappoint, a white linen blazer from Michael Kors, denim jeans for less than $100 and Charles David pumps at a remarkable price. Many readers commented on the effortless, yet perfectly styled accessory of the lariat necklace, and I couldn't agree more. Such a dramatic signature piece due to its unexpectedness, yet simple at the same time. Lesson to be learned, choosing essential capsule items and adding one statement piece can have a tremendous impact.

Click through this "New Weekly Finds . . ." in the right-hand column of the blog to discover a few of my favorite discoveries available during Nordstrom's sale.

This & That: No. 109
1. Always Hungry? Here's Why - article to read
2. Her Next Chapter - book
3. In Her Shoes - music
4. Book-a-Flat - Paris
5. Aerin 'Brava' Flat - shopping
6. How to Get Away with Murder - television
Instagram - A Peek into how I live TSLL
Pinterest - Where I share what inspires me - style, decor, food, quotes and more . . .