Have you ever
had one of those months, weeks or years when it seems nothing is going your way? From little things like being stopped at every stoplight to large, life-altering events that change the course of your life - relationships ending or job changes. No matter what it may be, when they seem to all occur in tandem, our sense of hope and motivation to continue to push forward or believe that we will be able to put it in our past and move on is shaken.
Now, thankfully I haven't had any catastrophic events happening, but this winter has tried my patience as the boiler in my beloved 80+ year home has decided to gradually give up the ghost. Needless
to say, my mind for the past three and half months hasn't been entirely at ease because I wasn't sure how it was going to hold up during our cold spells.
However, just like needing a bathroom in one's home, one also needs a heat source, so even if I wanted to throw my hands up and forget about it, I couldn't. To make a long story short, with the help of someone I trust in the business and refusing to not be taken advantage of when it came to estimates that just seemed exorbitant, the boiler is ordered and within my budget. The news just arrived yesterday, and I can't tell you how relieved I
Now, did I plan on paying for a brand new boiler? Absolutely not. Will I be able to travel to France this summer? Well, unfortunately, that's out the window. But, the good that came out of this
unexpected event is that the value of my home will increase, and I will be able to sleep peacefully during the next cold season. More importantly, I learned to trust myself. I learned to be skeptical of those who intuitively appeared to be taking advantage of the situation, and I also learned that I could rely on myself to figure out something I initially knew absolutely nothing about.
Life will test us. Life will question if we really want or need something, and it will discover the answer based on how we respond: do we give up or do we continue to seek out answers we don't already know. While we may not be able to plan for what life has in store for us, we can
still navigate through the obstacles and arrive at the destination we had in mind. It just might be delayed until the following summer. ;)
Speaking of a delay,
spring may have appeared to be delayed with our long winter, but this week offered a few amazingly warm days of sunshine resulting in smiles and happy dances (was that only in my house? I couldn't have been the only one!). Anyway, as spring is nearly upon us, in Monday's post, I shared the progress of the first of the three resolutions I shared in January, and on Wednesday the topic of simple ideas for living healthy without dreading our fitness routine were discussed along with a few
significant health benefits.
Speaking of spring, it's that time of year to pull out a warmer wardrobe and fold and tuck away our sweaters.
And because of this seasonal shift, last Saturday the 2014 Spring Shopping Guide was released. I want to explain why Saturday afternoon, many subscribers were unable to access their edition. Thankfully, or frustratingly,
there was nothing wrong on my end, but rather my newsletter provider had been hacked, which meant I couldn't do anything. However, as you have no doubt noticed, all is fixed, and if you haven't had a chance to check out the Shopping Guide, simply click here.
March has arrived and hopefully a wonderful weekend is straight ahead and waiting to be enjoyed. I want to welcome all of the new subscribers to TSLL newsletter and thank all of my
subscribers for choosing to add a few more simple luxuries to their week.
Until next week, I'll see you on the blog