The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #179

Published: Fri, 01/03/14

Friday, January 3, 2013                     Issue #179

First of all, let me begin by saying happy new year. However the year began for you - blissful and calm or harried and celebratory, there are still 362 days to get it right, and if you are determined to make it so, you most certainly will.

I am convinced that we draw to us what we believe we deserve. So if you are resolute in your convictions to exude a positive energy each day as you go about living your simply luxurious life, I can promise you that more positive experiences will be drawn to you than the contrary. Such an example of this occurred this past week while staying in Gearhart. I had the opportunity to meet the owner of the Gearhart Ocean Inn, and needless to say, her energy, drive and foresight was electrifying. I am constantly inspired by people I meet, but too often we forget to look around us, ask how those things that take our breath away or knock our socks off have come to be. If we would take the time to appreciate and not take for granted the amazements that we enjoy, we would leave the door of opportunity open for more to appreciate. Trust me. Just give it a shot. 

As I mentioned above, over the last week, I took my dogs to the Oregon coast to welcome the new year, and I can't express how thankful I was for the opportunity for my mind and schedule to slow down, take in the ocean air and re-energize for what will be an amazing next twelve months. 

I am extremely excited for what the blog has in store of you. Be sure to take a look at this week's Wednesday's Why Not . . . ? post to be inspired to begin the year in exactly the way you had hoped as well as get a glance at what I have in store for readers in the coming months.

Included in this week's newsletter is the annual round-up of all of the top posts in each of the weekly categories, as well as the reveal of the blog's most recent Inslee illustration (see below, she quickly becoming one of my favorites). 

Also, Thursday's Style Inspiration post is now including an extra feature - The Outfit of the Week - in which I shop the entire look for you with a mix of high and low items.

While the weekend may be upon us, I am eager to take advantage of the calm January offers after the busy holiday season. Whether a time to regroup, reorganize or plan, the gift of January is that we can make it our own should we choose. Whatever you choose, choose to make it a springboard for what you wish to achieve or enjoy in the following months. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog!

Monday's Inspiration . . .
Wednesday's Why Not . . . Make This Your Year?
Thursday's Style Inspiration . . .
Extra Posts . . .  
This & That: No. 89
1. 30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself - blog post to read
Outfit of the Week: No. 1

On a blog update note, you will notice that the weekly Thursday Style Inspiration post will also include an Outfit of the Week at the end of the post. Each week I will pull one of the outfits included in the post and do the shopping for you. While the Splurge & Save post is going on a hiatus, this outfit will combine high and low items for you to pick and choose from. And as always, you can shop for the classic wardrobe essentials here on the SHOP TSLL page as you begin to pull the key building blocks together as you create your masterpiece of a signature capsule wardrobe.

 Instagram Pics
Pinterest Pins

"After all these years, I am still involved in the process of self-discovery. It's better to explore life and make mistakes than to play it safe. Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life." -Sophia Loren
Email to place your name on the waiting list, and have an outfit or entire fall/spring capsule wardrobe tailored to your lifestyle.