The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter #165

Published: Fri, 09/20/13

Friday, September 20, 2013                                 Issue #165

Have you ever wondered why you are more creative at certain times of the day or during certain period of your life? A recent article in Time magazine by Jeffrey Kluger reveals findings that when we free our minds of unnecessary worries, clutter and busyness, we free our minds up to think creatively and connect the dots producing more than we may have previously thought possible. 

While his study was aimed to reveal those in retirement are more likely than their younger counterparts to create amazing works of art and in doing so lengthen the years of their lives.  The reason for more creativity in later years? Many of the typical responsibilities have been completed (raising children, paying the mortgage, etc). And while this study was directed at those of the Baby Boomer generation and beyond, I think there is a lesson for all of us. The more we fine-tune and simplify our lives, the more of an opportunity we offer ourselves to live creatively and more fulfilled doing what we love. In doing so, we lengthen the duration of our years as well as improve the quality. 

And on the topic of focusing on the quality of our lives, here is a post from the archives you might enjoy . . . 


This Friday marks the end of the first week back to school. I must admit, I was just as eager to get back in the classroom as many of the students, but with anything that includes focus, energy and an exertion of one's passions, I'm emotionally exhausted and ready for the weekend to reboot. I hope you too had a great week and find yourself guilt-free as you look forward to unwinding and putting away the planner for a few days.  Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.

Monday's Inspiration . . .
Wednesday's Why Not . . .
Thursday's Style Inspiration . . .
Facebook Weekly Discussion Topic:
Extra Posts & Exclusive News for Newsletter Subscribers
This & That: No. 76
1. Rain, Rain - app
5. Aerin Palau sandals - shopping
3. The Bold Life - blog to read
6. Joie de Vivre - book
Splurge & Save Outfit: No. 25 

Mixing trends with dependable basics in your capsule wardrobe is a mini challenge to give yourself. Perhaps adding a leather top or jeans, zebra striped pointed to flats or a casual, yet properly tailored quilted jacket. Whichever trend you want to experiment with, when you pair it with classics, you wardrobe appears fresh and current.

A heads up if you have your eye on a particular item at J.Crew. They are offering 25% off all items in their online store and shops through September 25th. Just use the promo code SHOPFALL to take advantage of this savings.

And also note, if you're looking for a classic pair of black cropped jeans, MiH has discounted my favorite style (I had to add one to my closet) The Brighton, as shown in this week's  Splurge outfit.

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"The object isn't to make art, it's to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable." ~Robert Henri