The first bite into a delicate butter croissant, the crisp page turned in a new book, the aroma of evening barbeques and the tickle of freshly cut grass between your toes. Such simple pleasures when experienced after a long delay can bring immense happiness and delight.
As humans we can become so wrapped up in our everyday worries and demands that we forget how easily we can welcome a moment of pleasure into our routine. Creating daily, weekly or monthly rituals to look forward to are the frosting on a balanced yet productive everyday life.
Whether you choose to cook a basic meal with high quality ingredients in the middle of the week (for example, this week's recipe - a simple, scrumptious burger) or plan a monthly massage to be enjoyed the first day of the month to set a refreshed, relaxing tone, incorporating seemingly indulgent pleasures are mandatory for being your best self at work and around those you love.
From the archives, a post that can help kick start your imagination as you create a few rituals that you not only want to enjoy, but need to enjoy more often . . .
In this week's newsletter, an exclusive shopping discount is unveiled to Simply Luxurious readers, as well as a recipe for your next cheeseburger barbeque that will leave you satisfied and never needing another recipe (seriously, it is that good). Also, happiness and how money plays a role is shared in this week's readers' favorite, and Ageless Style is the theme for this week's Style Inspiration.
A new addition has just begun here at The Simply Luxurious Life as a way for readers to communicate more actively about content on the blog. Each week at least one discussion question will be posted on Facebook (click here to have a look). You are invited to share your own experiences, respond to other readers' comments or ask questions of your own. This week I began with two questions:
- What are ways you've discovered to spend your money to bring more happiness into your life?
- How do you make travel less stressful and more enjoyable?
Feel like sharing your experiences on either topics? Click here to join the conversation. I'd love to hear how you are going about living your simply luxurious life.
Food, fashion, happiness and great conversation. The beginning of the weekend doesn't need much else. I hope you have an opportunity to relax, enjoy and unwind these next few days. And until next week, I'll see you on the blog.
-Shannon |