Each of us has an ultimate dream or fairy tale that for many sprang up during childhood. Some of our dreams change, some are forgotten or silenced and yet for others, the dream remains ardently clear, never going out of focus and always demanding attention. The latter of these instances seems to be the situation I find myself in.
While some may dream of their wedding day, others wish of traveling the world, while still others may aspire to open their own business, I've only wanted to become a published writer. From as far back as my pre-teen years, I would be writing in journals, attempting to create my very own magazines and imagining the life of only have to write for a living. What bliss! To hold a book in my hands that stated my name as the author as proof that my time procurred something of substance even if I was the only one who knew, is a dream I continue to strive for.
While I have subtly hinted these past few years at my work toward this goal, along this journey I was advised to remove my archives. I did this initially quite reluctantly, but assuaged my doubts with the end goal in mind. Upon following the directive, many of you let me know you were sad to see them go. Please know I heard you. Not one email or comment went unheard.
After much contemplation about exactly the path I should strive forward on, I've come to realize that while my dream may not have changed, my said dream is also coming to light in a time when what it means to be writer has morphed into something many people couldn't predict and still can't. I do have the opportunity to write every single day and communicate with you. How lucky am I? That, at the foundation of being a writer, is what a writer is. And while I may not have a book in my hands, I am fortunate to do what I love, and my realization is that it is indeed the journey (as I've said many times on the blog) that far surpasses the destination.
And so, I would like to introduce to you today the revamped, re-organized, all inclusive archives of The Simply Luxurious Life - dating back to when the blog was founded in 2009. Organized on its exclusive page under the title "Archives" under the header, you'll find 14 separate categories, alphabetized by title. You can now reread a post that inspired you, try a raved about recipe that intrigued you or continue to update your capsule wardrobe to reflect your signature style. Each week the most recent posts will be added, and if you have questions about a post you are looking for but cannot locate, please email me and I will help you find it.
Click here to begin, and thank you for your patience, persistence and interest.
And as always, until next week, I'll see you on the blog.
-Shannon |