Just when you think you've figured out the direction that life is taking you or settled into a routine that you've become accustomed to, life can serve you a change that stops you in your tracks and requires that you readjust your sails.
And so it is that life continues to surprise and amaze me. And while in the moment, it might seem unnerving, with time and perspective, the gifts of such a change reveal themselves and often are a pleasant surprise that we hadn't expected.
While we can never predict the outcome of our endeavors, so long as we keep seeking out new knowledge and choose to always be a student of life, we will continue to be amazed by the capabilities that reside within each of us waiting to be utilized and given a chance to shine.
Even in the initial moment of the unexpected detour, there is always good to be found. Whether it is a better understanding of what we can or cannot live without or being denied a dream that actually would have been more detrimental had we continued to pursue it, the unknowns of life are what give it its splendor and reason for unending curiosity.
So no matter what path life nudges or shoves you to take, trust that it is for the best to reconsider why life may have other plans.
In this week's newsletter, a couple of extra posts were shared of the past weekend - one involving food and one involving New York City. Two very good things in my book.
Also, as many of my readers live in large cities and small abodes, and having had past experience with minimal space and currently seeking out such inspiration, I pulled together 10 tips about how to maximize space when you have limited square footage.
With a bit of fashion, a touch of food and two beauty discoveries I was excited to share in this week's This & That, I hope you find something that catches your eye and/or piques your curiosity.
Have a lovely last weekend in April, and thank you for choosing to subscribe to the newsletter where it is my hope to share ideas on how to bring more luxury and less unnecessary extra to everyday living. Until next week, I will see you on
the blog.
-Shannon |