I woke up yesterday morning as I do each morning ready to take my early morning walk with my dogs to rain. And upon checking the temperature outside to see if I needed my earmuffs and gloves, I realized that the temperature had increased ten degrees compared to what it had been the previous day. I was a bit shocked, but pleasantly so.
While Mother Nature never tells us when spring has begun and winter's chills are officially over, it seems that it just happens, almost without warning. And while there will be cold spells every so often for the next few months, it feels as though winter has decided to hibernate until next year.
The events that occur in our lives to change or improve the course we are on often reveal themselves in much the same way. As we go about our daily routines, doing our best, all of a sudden the veil seems to drop and reveal something that hadn't previously been there. However, the reality is that progress was being made the entire time, little by little.
Small steps made in progression toward the same intended destination will eventually place you at the finish line. You may not know when you will arrive, but so long as you keep going, focused on today and refusing to be distracted, beautiful revelations will occur.
So today, remind yourself that the grand reveal will eventually happen so long as you keep your head down and do what is necessary to assist you in reaching your goal. Here is a post from the archives to help provide a bit more inspiration . . .
In this week's newsletter you will discover a few peeks into my life as well as ideas on how to everyday even more simply by including a few simple luxuries as well as leopard and stripe style inspiration.
I want to thank so many of you that have already stopped by the blog this week to take a look at the Kitchen Facelift reveal as well as those of you who wished me well on my birthday yesterday. The kindness and thoughtfulness of you, my readers, always surpasses any expectations I may have had, and I can't thank you enough for your support and good cheer.
Well, I do hope March has taken off with a wonderful bound into what is sure to be a fantastic month. Today you will also find in your inbox TSLL's annual Spring Fashion newsletter which should arrive shortly after today's newsletter. Full of help to navigate the spring trends and a bit of shopping items I thought you might be interested in, I do hope you enjoy. Until next week, I'll see you
on the blog.
-Shannon |