Much like finding the right key to unlock a door, navigating our way forward toward the life we desire works in much the same way. Often if we force our way toward what we want - I will be married by a certain age, I will have 2.5 kids, I will make "x" amount of money, and then I will be perfectly happy - we end up more frustrated than fulfilled, more scarred than caressed by the forces of life.
Over the past weekend, I had an aha moment about a goal I have been working on, and I don't know exactly how I came upon the solution, but it was if the timing had finally been right. In other words, I was finally able to absorb the lesson and shift my perspective.
While I won't bore you with the details, I will say that often we are confused about what we want. Rather than wanting specific things, what we really want is the feeling we believe those things will bring into our lives - contentment, fulfillment, love, happiness, etc. And as we become more familiar with ourselves, we discover that the path to happiness may be different than we imagined, but the good news is, the life we are now creating is far more fulfilling than what we thought would bring us to the feeling we desired.
So today, ask yourself, what do I actual desire? Why do I desire the things, ideals and outcomes that I have set in my mind? And once you realize that it is happiness and fulfillment you seek, continue to gravitate toward things, projects, habits, people, routines, etc that instill the feelings you desire.
This particular archived post is from nearly three years ago, but it's a helpful tool if you are trying to figure out which way you want to go . . .
In this week's newsletter, you'll find some tips on simplifying all that may be dreaded when the tax season comes around, as well as a post to help you distinguish the difference between doubt and fear. Of course there's always a bit of fashion and a few books I wanted to share with you as well.
Speaking of fashion, New York Fashion Week begins next week, so be sure to stop by throughout the week - whether on the blog, Tumblr or Pinterest to see my favorite fall fashions.
Do enjoy this first weekend of February, and until next week, I'll see you on the blog.
-Shannon |