2013 has begun! What an amazing feeling it is to know we all have another chance to get it done a little bit better than we did in years past. Another chance. Now that is a gift not to be squandered.
As we begin on this twelve month journey, I am challenging myself (and please feel free to join me) to live more authentically. While I have always tried to live in such a manner (and ultimately that is how the blog came about), there are moments in my life when I know I can garner more strength and truly stand in my authenticity. The reasons that have made it difficult in the past may be different than for you, but I
vow to live according to what makes my heart sing, to do what feels right regardless of society's opinion, and not cower to laughing, teasing Nellys who define strength as following along. I know at times this won't be easy, but I also know to not do what I believe is right, just or necessary will weigh heavier on my heart if I choose to do nothing.
Perhaps this post from the archives will be a bit of inspiration as we move forward in our pursuit of authenticity . . .
I don't know about you, but I am ready to begin this wonderful new year as I am certain amazing, beautiful, lovely and inspiring things are bound to take place. In this week's newsletter you will find a recap of posts not only from this past week, but also the last week of December which contains a round-up of all of the top posts of 2012. And even better news is revealed on each of these posts about where you can access archived posts that many of my readers have been inquiring about.
A new addition to the weekly newsletter are links from this particular week shared one, two and three years ago. The Simply Luxurious Life recently celebrated its third anniversary last week, and I thought this would be a great way to share some of the inspiration from the past.
More than anything I want to wish you a happy new year. Whatever you wish for 2013 to become, I am confident that with determination, resolute tenacity and a willingness to control your thoughts as you brush aside doubt and cling to faith and hope, you will be very successful. I look forward to hearing all about journey and triumphs next December.
For my many long-time subscribers, thank you for your continued patronage and support, and to my new subscribers, welcome to a place where you will find ideas on how to cultivate your own unique simply luxurious life. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.