In a few days, many of us in the states will be taking to the friendly skies, hopping into our cars or taking a train to spend time with family for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. I must admit, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, in large part because it focuses on time together devoid of required gift giving. Okay, maybe the food counts as a type of gift, but there are very few occasions I don't enjoy that involve wonderful, satiating fare, fabulous drinks and of course lively conversation.
Needless to say, I'm excited for a slight change in schedule if only for a short period of time, and an opportunity to spend time with my family. However, I know that many of us have family members that aren't always people we would choose to congregate with. For one reason or another, there will be people in our lives that we are required to spend time with that don't add to our daily experience.
Whether at work or social situations, and while it is advisable to extricate them from our lives as much as possible, the holidays, for example, often offer an instance that is out of our control.
If you by chance will be surrounded by such types of people, note beforehand what you can control: your attitude, your reactions, and your behavior. While it can often become a knee-jerk reaction to say certain things in response to defend yourself or others, remember to try and always hold yourself to the standard that you would in hindsight respect and be proud of. The reality is we can't control anyone else's behavior but only
our own;
however, we can set an example of what we value and choose not to enable or encourage behavior that is not what we feel comfortable with. As to how they respond to our behavior is their responsibility and will reveal more about them and their true character.
And because the holidays bring together all different beliefs, lifestyles, ideals, ages, and relationships, I thought I'd share this well received post from the archives . . .
And because it is Thanksgiving for so many of us . . . an extra post from the archives . . .
As Veteran's Day was observed on Monday, and we all had the opportunity to pay thanks, the week was shortened. And with it, an opportunity to rest and be grateful. As I contemplated all that life has been so generous to afford myself and my family, I came to decide to share this Monday's post - 10 Things to Stop Worrying About. And the readers in turn made it this week's most popular post.
Believe it or not, the holiday season is here, and boy did it sneak up quickly it seems. Black Friday sales have nearly arrived, and I have yet to begin prepping my Christmas gift shopping list. Whether times flies by because we're living well or not paying attention, I would like to think the former, and I hope you can count yourself in that particular category as well.
You see, this is your life. Today is your life. Not tomorrow, not someday, but now. How are you living it? How is it working for you? Always remember that this is your only story. What lesson will you teach? What example will you set? In what way will you challenge yourself? How will you contribute?
The gift is that we each have this one life. And I have no doubt you are making the most of it. Enjoy and safe travels. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.
P.S. I wanted to share some exciting news, and more importantly, thank you all for your support. Last month I shared with you my trip to Detroit to see the new Buick Encore. And after designing a dream 'simply luxurious' model, I am thrilled to announce that it was selected as one of the top five finalists! Next month the winner will be announced, but please know how much I appreciate you stopping by my Pinterest Dashboard to Pinboard and having a look. Below is a glimpse at my color inspiration and click here to see the top five finalists design boards.