The Simply Luxurious Life newsletter 126

Published: Fri, 11/23/12

Splendid (VF Contemporary)

*30% off site wide this entire holiday weekend (use code THANKS30)

The turkey has been carved, enjoyed and prepared for leftovers, the wine has been poured, savored and bottles placed in the recycling and the pie dishes merely bear crumbs from buttery, flaky crusts. If you were as well partaking in the traditional Thanksgiving revelries yesterday, you may too be enjoying the deep sigh of relief that is exhaled after the guests have returned home and the house is now a place of refuge - however, now with endless snacking supplies. 
As I grow older, I find myself reflecting on how I once remembered the holiday traditions spent with my family.  Upon reflection, I try to distinguish between the heartfelt and the put-upon behaviors and expectations, hoping with each passing year to create a more memorable, authentic and less "crafted" affair. 
While the holidays offer an opportunity for endless nostalgic moments, often it is the expectations, pressures and hype that create an environment that strangles the beauty that such times are ripe and wishing to share.
Similar to life, the holidays are unique to each family and thus, each individual based on their values, personalities and life experiences. To become a cookie cutter matching what "should" be created is to weaken the gift that the holidays offer. 
Perhaps you regularly wake up at dawn on Black Friday to take advantage of the astronomical sales and then finish the afternoon by stopping in for a pre-arranged pedicure with your best friends, mother or other family members. Or perhaps Black Friday is nowhere near your radar, but instead is reserved as a day to spend hiking to the highest peak to burn calories, let the dogs run and spend time with those who have traveled so far to see you and yours.  
Similar to each of these examples, the essense of the holidays is to take them and mold them to best fit with our ideals, aspirations, hopes and values. Precisely what each of us should be doing with this one life we are given. So as the holiday season ramps into full gear, here is a post from the archives I thought you might enjoy:  
Welcome to the holiday season everyone, and most importantly welcome to the weekend. This week on the blog while there was much talk about Thanksgiving, the favorite post of readers turned out to be Monday's Remember to Spread Your Wings. With 10 tips on how to spread your own wings as we all go about navigating each day attempting to create and mold life into our very own masterpiece, for me it is a great relief to know that while I may have goals, I don't know how it's all going to work out, and believe it or not, this acceptance opens more doors to potentially lead beyond my wildest dreams. 
Another addition I want to share with you appears in the regular Thursday post - Style Inspiration. Now, not only will you find inspiration for your wardrobe, but you will also be able to shop the looks shared in each week's post. What do I mean? At the bottom of the post look for the visual widget full of items I have handpicked while perusing the web that are either the exact pieces in the images or nearly identical. Not only will this save you time, but will offer you chances to add the exact pieces you may have had your eyes on to complete the perfect look.
Whether you are heading out the door to begin (or continue) your holiday shopping, or are settling in for a relaxing and restorative weekend with family and friends, I hope you have time to catch your breath, a chance to stretch your legs and at least a few hugs and kisses to remind you that you are loved. Until next week, I'll see you on the blog.

Articles from Around the Web to Inspire, Motivate and Enjoy
    This & That: No.34

    Want & Have Outfit:

    No. 10


    November 23, 2012     Issue #126

    "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

    ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Readers' Favorite Post
    Remember to Spread Your Wings
    Weekly Themes
    Monday Inspiration:
    Wednesday's Why Not . . . ?:
    Thursday's Style Inspiration:

    A Peek at my Tumblr

    A Glimpse at my Pinterest Boards

    Shannon's Pick of the Week

    Danier leather jacket - (regularly $499) now $299